Chapter 39 | Act 3

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{Vergil Enegram's POV | 2 days later}

Scythe Seris... If I fought her now, would I win? Even with the Yamato and my Devil Trigger, I feel like it would be impossible to fight her or any of the Scythes now. I can't even gain my Majin Devil Trigger, for that, I'll need to be in a no-win situation, and without the Majin Devil Trigger, I can't gain my Sin Devin Trigger. Tch, who thought it was a good idea to make it a linear progression?

(A/N: My fault g)

Besides, I think I would have a hard time even with my Sin Devil Trigger.

But, she said if I wasn't, 'Agrona's Lackey'... And his conversation with that Highblood... She doesn't like his rule. I heard that there was a Revolutionary army brewing in Alacrya, no doubt they would need someone powerful as their leader, someone like an Ascender, a Retainer, or a Scythe. And the fact she held such malice in even saying Agrona's name...

Alright, I've decided. I'll take her up on her invitation.

I hope we can have a meaningful discussion, Scythe Seris.

{3rd Person POV | ~10 hours later)

"Lady Seris, there is a man requesting an audience with you." A servant told the Scythe.

The Scythe was currently busy handling some documents pertaining to both her domain and the Revolutionary Army she was creating. It was still small, but the statuses of some of their members could make up on it quite easily.

"Who is asking for my presence?" Seris asked the servant.

"He only said, 'I'm here about your spider problem'. He wouldn't say anything else when we asked him." The servant replied.

"Let him in, he's a guest of mine. Guide him to my office and tell the others to prepare some tea and snacks." Seris told the servant, stopping her writing in the process.

The servant bowed in response before leaving the room. Seris stood up from her chair before removing any papers on her desk.

Seris waited for a moment, before coming face-to-face with a cloaked man, but underneath the cloak was bandages covering his head, only leaving his eyes and mouth exposed, a servant behind him with tea and some pastries.

"It's good to finally meet you, please have a seat." Seris told the cloaked man.

"Yes, I've heard quite a lot about you Scythe Seris. Let me introduce myself, I am Gilver Redgrave." Vergil introduced himself with his alias, removing his cloak and putting it in his ring, revealing the bandages he used to cover his face and a green suit.

" Vergil introduced himself with his alias, removing his cloak and putting it in his ring, revealing the bandages he used to cover his face and a green suit

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(E1/N: Joshua Graham??)

(E2/N: "You ain't poppin that p*ssy for Jesus?? BLAMSKY!!")

(A/N: The Honest Hearts DLC was the only reason I wanted to play New Vegas.)

"Yes, it's finally good to meet you, 'Gilver'. If that is your real name." Seris replied.

"Haha, I suppose you figured me out already." Vergil chuckled.

"You don't have any form of past tied to you, so I would expect you to be using an alias."

Seris threw down a file on the table. Signaling Vergil to read it, he read the contents of the file. It had his name, it's estimation of his illusion's age, where he was last seen, etc. It even had a detailed map of where he was spotted, and a sketch of his face.

"Impressive. So, what do you want from me, Lady Seris?" Vergil gave the file back to Seris.

"Let's not beat around the bush, tell me, Gilver, are you an ally of the High Sovereign?" Seris asked Vergil, hoping in her head that he was not.

"If I'm not?"

"I'll answer if you answer."

"I am not an ally of Agrona Vritra. I have suspicion that he has made contact with beings that I wish would not arrive here, for everyone's sake." Vergil answered truthfully, taking a sip of tea.

"And these beings are?" Seris asked Vergil.

"I answered you, now you must answer mine. What will you do now that you know I am not an ally of your 'High Sovereign'?" Vergil questioned the Scythe, subconsciously gripping on the Yamato.

"I am not sure if you are telling the truth, give me proof that you are not an ally of the High Sovereign." Seris said.

"Smart woman. I like that." Vergil chuckled, before drinking his tea again.

"I was there when Scythe Cadell killed Sylvia Indrath. He should have reported that a man tried to protect Sylvia." Vergil told her. It added up, it was true that in Cadell's report that there was a strange man said to be using a beast will that tried to stop him. "Is that to your satisfaction?" 

"It is." Seris replied. 

"Now, tell me. What will you do now that you know I am not an ally of Agrona Vritra?" Vergil asked Seris again. 

"I must ask for your assistance." Seris requested Vergil. She knew that Vergil had a lot of potential. To survive an encounter with Cadell, even if he was one of the more sane Scythes, was quite the achievement.

Vergil reciprocated the idea of allying with a Scythe. Their power was greater than his current one. If he had his old mentality, he would no doubt refuse the alliance, stating something along the line of: "I have no need for such weaklings. All I need is power." But this Vergil was different, more mature, more responsible. Nero and Dante, and his new life with a loving family made him learn what it means to rely on people from time to time.

"I hope you aren't putting up a front, just to stab me in the back." Vergil laughed slightly, before continuing. "But I suppose if it's in my power, I'll try to help if you help me in return." Vergil replied.


"I believe this will be the start of a beautiful partnership" 


A/N: Whooptididoooooo finished another, WOOOOOOOO! We gonna get another time skip baby, Act 4 gonna be starting soon maybe in like 5 - 6 chapters at most, but just an estimate, could be more, could be less, depending on future me.

Anyways, there's gonna be a Status Card soon

In tradition, time for me to do a sneak peek of the next Arc:

"Vergil, no doubt there will be an attack done to Xyrus Academy soon, perhaps in this year even... How shall you respond?" Seris asked him.

"I'll keep watch. There will be surely casualties. But we must turn a blind eye to it. If we dismantle it too quickly, no doubt someone would be suspicious of how we dismantled it so easily."  Vergil replied. "I'll make sure it isn't taken too far."

AND THAT'S IT! till next time, ciao~

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