Chapter 5

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"So what are you doing tonight?" Kaila asked me over the phone

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"So what are you doing tonight?" Kaila asked me over the phone.

We were supposed to study together for a biology exam she had in a few days. Since biology was never my strong point, Kaila offered to help me. I didn't want to fail my first test at a new school, and I didn't want to disappoint my dad.

"Libby, are you there?"

"No, I can't today. I can't make it. As much as I'd love to, a super trio is coming to Karl's today and I promised I'd be home," I replied with a sigh.

"Jesus understands," Kaila murmured, "I hope you have a good evening anyway," she added, "Please! Just try not to kill my cousin, okay?"

I laughed out loud. Our relationship with José was really explosive at times, but I didn't really know what he meant. He was rude and always lecturing me, and sometimes our exchange of tasks led to some really horrible fights where we had to be separated. José was just one.

Interestingly, I didn't have that problem with the other guys. Tate was usually nice and I enjoyed talking to him, but Killian was always quiet and never really talked, quickly solving the problems Karl gave him and then pulling out his laptop and mostly going about his business.

"Good! I promise I'll be good this time! I love you, see you tomorrow!" I replied to Kaili, ending the conversation.

I threw my phone on the bed and walked over to my desk to get my biology textbooks. I figured I could take the opportunity to have Karl teach the boys and ask my dad for help. Just today he finished his shift at the hospital early and I knew that if I asked him he would be happy to help me.

I left the room and Ginger immediately jumped up from her bed to accompany me. I petted her as she passed me, and then she ran down the stairs wagging her tail, so I followed her, smiling to myself.

"Hello beautiful," I heard someone greet Ginger on the ground floor.

As I walked down the stairs, I saw Tate standing by the bathroom door, greeting my dog. He didn't notice me right away, so for a moment I had the opportunity to watch his face break into a genuine, wide smile and his muscles tense as he bent down to pet Ginny tenderly.

"He likes you." I said as I walked over to the boy. Tate looked at me, still leaning over to the seated Ginger and scratching her behind her ears, for which my dog was immensely grateful, his tail hitting the ground with a slight rumble.

Tate smiled at me this time, and I immediately felt a slight warmth on my cheeks. He stood up and walked over to me. We'd never been this close before and I felt totally shy when he looked right at me. I crossed my legs and looked up shyly. The boys were much taller than me, I could barely reach their breasts, which was a little annoying at that point because it made me feel small. Tate looked right at me. My heart was pounding like crazy and I really had no idea what was happening to me. I've never reacted like this before, maybe I had a cold, because I also felt a little shortness of breath.

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