Chapter 6

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I turned towards the school and saw Tammy coming towards me, along with three of her friends whose names I didn't know. As soon as I realized who was calling me, I immediately quickened my pace.

I gripped the straps of my backpack tighter and tried to calm my breathing.

Tammy was one of the school's cheerleaders, she wasn't their captain, but she carried herself around the school like she was. Unfortunately, after the news broke that I was Karl's daughter, she found a new victim. Me. Apparently Tammy had a problem with my stepfather. Karl was an understanding teacher, but he was also demanding, and if one of the students gave him trouble all the time, he would lose all respect for that person. He always said you have to work for it. As far as I knew, Tammy had failed a couple of quizzes, and when Karl gave her the opportunity to improve, she didn't want to come, saying that training was more important to her.

Oh well, priorities.

I felt someone's hand tighten on my shoulder, and a hard jerk sent me crashing to the mottled asphalt.

"I called you a stupid bitch."

I looked up at Tammy, who was leaning over me, so she was probably the one who pushed me.

Who calls who a stupid bitch?

"Really? I didn't hear that," I mumbled and tried to stand up.

One of the girls accompanying Tammy pushed me back to the ground, and when I fell on my ass again, I decided there was no point in pissing her off any more. Tammy and her group, strong only in their words, never really did anything other than momentarily lash out and threaten. I was getting used to it.

"I failed again."

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at her comment.

"So?" I asked.

The girl looked like she was about to pounce on me, but her dogs stopped her. She stared at me for a moment until her face twisted into a horrible grimace. She moved closer and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look directly into her eyes. Her long, red-painted nails dug painfully into my skin.

"This time it was a test; Karl called my parents and told them." She hissed in my face. When I tried to pull away, she dug her claws into my face even more painfully. "I'm going to get this stupid correction, but you're going to change my grade on the test. Do you understand?"

I frowned, and this time I pulled myself out of her clutches. I sighed in resignation and stood up.

"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked.

Tammy shrugged, "You're just going to switch tests."


It was the stupidest plan I'd ever heard in my life.

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