Chapter 8

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I locked all the front doors of the house and turned off the lights before going up to my room

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I locked all the front doors of the house and turned off the lights before going up to my room. Karl was at the local bar tonight and Dad was on night duty, so I had a free house for the night.

It was after 10 a.m. and Winner would show up any minute. I couldn't hide my nervousness and hoped to calm down before he showed up.

I went to the second room upstairs where my DIY stuff was and sat down at my desk to wait for my friend. For a while I worked on a broken radio I had recently found in the local dumpster, fixing things always calmed me down, so I lost myself in my world for a while. An hour later, with Winner still gone, I pushed down the uncomfortable feeling of rejection that was growing inside me by the minute.

Did something fall out? Maybe he forgot? Or maybe he just decided he didn't want to waste his time on a person like me.

I put my tools back and left the room, closing the door behind me.

I decided to clean up and just go to bed, so I quickly jumped in the shower and washed my face and teeth when I was done. I put on my favorite pajamas as usual - llama shorts and a white t-shirt, put on my cute fluffy llama socks and walked out of the bathroom to my bedroom.

I almost screamed when I opened the door and saw a man lying on the bed. It wasn't until a moment later, when I had no hesitation in picking up the nearest thing to defend myself, that I realized it was Winner. Lying comfortably on my bed, he looked at the candle I was holding in my hands.

"Really? Were you going to kill me with a candle?"

I shrugged, but put the object back on the shelf.

"Any object can be a weapon in the hands of a professional," I replied seriously.

Winner looked at me incredulously for a moment, but as soon as I couldn't keep a straight face anymore, he started laughing himself. It was the first time I'd ever seen him so relaxed.

Mr. Meatball and Ginny ran upstairs, attracted by the voices, and when they saw Winner, Ginny pounced on him immediately, Mr. Meatball ignoring him all the way, went to his favorite box where he slept most of the time. I closed the door to my room and walked over to the bed.

"Ginny, go there." I muttered to the dog, who immediately obeyed and trotted, offended, to her bed under my desk. As she lay down on it, she let out a loud and dissatisfied sigh, suggesting how hard her life as a dog is. But a moment later, when I turned on all the lights in my room, she was fast asleep.

I looked at the boy who was now lying comfortably on my bed with his left arm under his head, one leg bent at the knee and the other straight. I smiled at him and walked over to the bed, for a moment, when I was already on the mattress and on my knees, I walked over to him, I noticed that his eyes became darker than usual, and he clenched the hand in which he held the briefcase more tightly. I sank down next to him and turned to the side, looking straight into his eyes, for a moment I thought about how it would feel to run my hands through his hair, but I refrained, I didn't want to look weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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