5. Good Company

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When me, Shawn, and Justin arrived at the airport, Justin had to leave immediately. You'd think he'd take a private jet to Miami, but I guess he was just flying on an airline. I didn't ask why. Me and Shawn said goodbye, then grabbed his things from his hotel and then came back and walked around the airport. His flight doesn't leave for another hour.

"So, what was so funny?" I asked.

"It's really not funny. I was laughing because he was laughing." Shawn smiled.

"Well tell me!" I begged.

"When me and Justin sat down, he was smiling and I was like what? And he goes: isn't it just funny, we're both basically on a date with her and we both like her. She has no idea."

I looked at Shawn all confused.

"And then I just started laughing because I had no idea that he knew and I didn't know that he liked you too-"

"What do you mean that you guys like me?" I questioned.

"Well," Shawn tucked his hands into his pockets and turned a little red. "Like a crush, you know. I mean, I don't know."

I tried not to smile but I couldn't help myself. "Seriously?" I giggled.

"Yeah, it's dumb, I know. But we know our boundaries." He nodded.

I laughed. "I had no idea. You have a crush on me?" I teased.

He laughed and turned his head the other way for a moment. When he looked back at me, he smiled. "Who doesn't?"

I thought about that for a moment. I guess he's right, almost every guy I meet wants something to do with me. It makes me uncomfortable. I really don't even try to make anything happen.

"Wow." I smiled.

We walked around for another 45 minutes until his plane started boarding. Luckily we changed the subject of our conversation and quickly moved on to other things. When we said goodbye, we gave each other a huge hug. I hardly ever see Shawn, so I'm glad I got to spend time with him. I watched as he left.

An 18 year old Paige Holland living in Omaha about a year ago would've died to date Shawn Mendes. Or Justin Bieber. Or Cameron Dallas. But I guess things change, and my heart sets itself on the same person every time. It's Jack. It always will be.

I took an Uber back to the park and got inside of my car. When I drove home and pulled into the driveway, the lights were on.

I walked up to the porch and opened the door, which wasn't locked. I noticed Jack and Jack on the couch. They stared at me when I shut the door.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." They replied.

"What's going on?" I asked. I sat down on the couch next to Jack.

"We're just talking about the meeting. We don't know what to do." Jack said.

"Where were you?" Jack J asked.

"I was just hanging out with Shawn and Justin until their flights left." I said. He nodded.

"So what's the dilemma?" I asked. "What are you stuck on?"

Jack shrugged. "They basically force you to produce music and they have songwriters and music makers and shit like that- we want to create and produce our own music, not by the rules of someone else."

"But, we'd also be making 4x the money and be gaining a lot of popularity and status. We'd be on the radio." Jack J added.

I sighed. "In the end, do what makes you happy. You've got a large enough fan base that you can be successful and do whatever you want. You don't need over produced music and people telling you what to do." I said.

They both nodded, seemingly deep in thought.

"We're going to have to think about it for a while." Jack told Jack J.

"Yeah, I agree." Jack J said.

"Alright." Jack stood up. "I'm exhausted."

Me and Jack J agreed. We all decided to go to bed. Me and Jack have to be in Oregon tomorrow for the wedding, and I think we're leaving pretty early.

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