The Cliffs of Insanity!

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"She doesn't...get eaten by the lizalfoses at this time," Teba explained, looking over the book at Tulin, whose brow scrunched in confusion.

"W-What?" The little rito asked.

Teba shook his head. "She doesn't get eaten by the lizalfoses. I'm explaining it to you because you look nervous."

Sure enough, Tulin looked down at his wings. They were clutching tightly to the blanket that covered his legs.

He promptly let go and shook his head. "I wasn't nervous, I swear..." Tulin replied, earning an incredulous look from his father.

The little rito sighed.

"Okay...maybe I was a little bit- concerned, but that's not the same thing," he said.

"Are you sure? Because we can stop now if you want," Teba suggested, reaching for the bookmark he'd set on his son's desk.

"N-No, you a little bit more of you want," Tulin answered, getting comfortable in the sheets once again.

His father shrugged his shoulders, setting the bookmark back down onto the table and flipping the page.

"Alright, if you say so," he said, trying to find his place, before clearing his throat.

"Ever heard of a lizalfos, your highness? If you don't see them yet, just wait! They always grow louder when-"

Tulin held up a wing. "You read that part already, Dad."

Teba scrunched a feathered eyebrow and squinted at the page, his eyes scanning the lines.

"Oh whoops...I did...beg your pardon," he replied, trying to find where he'd left off.

"Alright, so she was surrounded in the water by the lizalfoses, one of them tried to charge her, and then..."

Zelda felt two large arms wrap around her, and it wasn't long before she and her rescuer gracefully propelled themselves out of the water.

She could hear the lizalfoses hissing and screeching, both astonished and angry that their meal had slipped out of their hands.

Sidon landed with a thud on the boat deck, dripping seawater all over the floor.

"Just put her down already!" Kogha ordered, motioning for the zora to drop her.

Obeying his commands, Sidon gently laid the shivering princess on the ground, leaning her against the wall of the boat.

Kogha hurried over with a piece of rope and bound his prisoner's hands. Despite not being able to see his face, Zelda could feel his angry glare.

Her soaked dress was heavy with water, and the nighttime breeze on her wet face and skin didn't help the intense cold she felt.

The yiga sighed, shaking his head. "You probably think you're brave, don't you," he spoke condescendingly.

Zelda took a trembling hand and wiped salty droplets from her eyes.

"O-Only compared to s-some," she managed to reply, clamping her jaw to keep it from chattering.

Kogha uttered nothing more, other than a peeved "hmph," before getting up and heading back to the wheel of the boat.

Zelda blew out a shaky breath, reaching up to wring the water out of her shortened hair.

Riju studied her from where she sat at the stern of the boat; Sidon and Yunobo did the same, quietly, and somewhat awkwardly.

They could practically hear her shaking.

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