Battle of Wits

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The man in black continued up the grassy hills. One thing was for sure, the Gilderian countryside was beautiful, and the weather was perfect for a picnic.

He made his way into a sunshine-filled clearing, and immediately noticed Kogha's bright orange attire.

The yiga was seated against a rock, and at his side was none other than princess Zelda. He had a dagger pointing towards her neck.

She had a blindfold tied around her head, and she sat as still as a statue, not daring to make any sudden movements.

The sight of the weapon made him flinch, and he had to control the rising anger in his chest.

"Ah! Well, if it isn't the man himself," Kogha exclaimed jovially, as if he wasn't also simultaneously threatening the princess of Hyrule.

The man in black wearily stepped forward, noticing that the yiga had taken the time to set up what looked like a table using the rocks.

A somewhat sad looking hunk of stale bread and a block of cheese sat on a small cloth, and two iron goblets sat waiting for wine to be poured into them.

"If you want her dead, please, by all means, keep moving forward," the yiga said, inching the blade closer to Zelda's fair neck.

The man came to a swift halt.

"Come, my boy, sit!" Kogha chuckled darkly, as the man approached him. "Trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen, eh?"

Cautiously, the man in black sat down at the makeshift table, his expression remaining as it was.

Zelda was completely silent throughout their entire discussion, likely afraid of what would happen if she said anything.

The man in black shrugged his shoulders.

"I suppose to you it seems that way," he said. "You don't think we could come up with some sort of exchange?"

Kogha thought about it for a moment, although it seemed like he was hesitating.

"A... battle of wits perhaps?" The man suggested nonchalantly.

The yiga perked up, and for a moment he even seemed to lower the weapon he held at Zelda's neck.

"Would it the death?" He asked, trying to hide the excitement in his voice.

The man in black simply smiled in reply.

"Alright then!" Kogha said gleefully, sheathing his dagger and rubbing his hands together. "What have you got?"

The man turned to his pockets and rummaged around in them a while, before withdrawing a small vial made of paper.

He presented it to his opponent.

"Smell this, but do not consume it," the man in black said, handing the little vial to Kogha, who took it somewhat eagerly.

He lifted the mask he wore only slightly, making sure the man could not see his face, and took a sniff.

"Hmph," he remarked, handing the little vial back. "I smell nothing."

"Well, what you do not smell is called iocane powder. It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid, and is one of the deadlier poisons," the man in black explained.

Kogha only chuckled arrogantly, as the man in black took the goblets of wine and turned his back on him, concealing what he was doing.

A few seconds later, he turned back around, switching the glasses back and forth a few times for one last trick.

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