"Dear Hylia, What Is That Thing?!"

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"You have quite an overdeveloped sense of vengeance," Rugen spoke coldly, watching as Riju struggled to stand. "It's going to get you in trouble someday..."

The river of adrenaline cascading through her nerves had caused her to start shaking violently, but she finally managed to untie the sash she'd been picking it.

With no further response to the Count, Riju wrapped the sash around her waist a couple times, as tight as she possibly could while still leaving room to breathe.

One strap over the other and then the sand seal dives into the sand, she repeated over and over again in her head.

It was a style of knot that Buliara, a gerudo guard back home had showed her.

Riju wondered what she would think of her analogies being used to keep someone from passing out.

And then the sand seal skids to a halt.

Riju finished tying the knot, silently praying that the sash would keep her leaking wound from waterfalling.

The Count let out a cruel chuckle. Watching people struggle was an obvious, vile enjoyment of his.

The gerudo took a step forward, but the piercing still fired another bolt of lightning through her body and she had to lean onto a nearby table.

Rugen shook his head, as if he were a disappointed father watching his child.

"Okay, well now you're just asking for me to kill you."

He raised his sword, waiting for the perfect moment to take a swipe, but Riju still had her sword at the ready

When the moment arrived, he jabbed at her, but his blade was blocked.

Rugen inched back a step, angling for her once more, but once again, his blow was thwarted.

Riju finally managed to force herself to stand, and she began shuffling forward while Rugen stepped back.

"Hello, my name is Riju of Gerudo Town....you killed my mother. Prepare to die..." she said, taking a strike at him herself, while Rugen bounded back.

Metal clanged as they exchanged a couple more hits.

"Hello, my name is Riju of Gerudo Town, you killed my mother. Prepare to die..." she said again, clearly irking Rugen even further.

He shifted to the side, switching his stance.

"Stop saying that!" He ordered, but to no avail.

Finally, after a couple more aggressive slashes, Riju managed to stab the tip of her balde into her adversary's shoulder.

"Hello! My name is Riju of Gerudo Town, you killed my mother. Prepare to die!" She shouted, her voice gaining newfound confidence.

Using the rest of the willpower she'd mustered, she managed to back helpless Rugen into a fancily clothed table, and even succeeded in poking another hole, this time into Rugen's side.

"I'm not so cowardly now, am I?" She taunted him, slashing another cut into the Count's other side.

"Please, stop this at once, I'll give you anything you ask for!" Rugen beseeched her.

Riju hoped she was inflicting the same fear this wretched monster had inflicted on her mother those many fateful years ago.

"Anything I ask for?" She mused playfully, slashing a clean, thin line into her enemy's left cheek.

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