The Invention of The Kiss

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Riju was hobbling through the halls, trying her best to ignore the pain from her gash. Thankfully, the relief of her recent victory helped her keep moving forward.

She'd caught the sound of Link's voice a moment ago and had been following its trail until she eventually came across yet another hallway, with an open bedroom door.

"Tie him up," she heard Link say, and she immediately knew he was in there.

Riju, although her side felt like it was aflame, dashed down the hall and into the room.

There, she saw Prince Ganondorf himself, seated on a chair, being tied to it by Princess Zelda with a fancy rope meant for keeping the big velvet curtains in place.

Standing beside the giant canopy bed, holding onto one of the beams to support himself, was the man in black.

He caught her out of the corner of his eye, and he looked over, immediately noticing the blood-stained sash tied around her abdomen. It was teal, so the giant blotch of crimson was more than apparent.

"Goodness? What happened?!" Link asked worriedly, while Zelda looked up to see what was going on.

Riju, although still in pain, flashed him a smile. "I'm alright; I got him. Where are Yunobo and Sidon?"

"We thought they'd be with you?" Zelda mused, tightening the knot around one of the chair's armrests.

The gerudo shook her head.

"Well then, we'd better... woah," Link slumped a little, his legs still struggling to hold him up.

Zelda raised an eyebrow. Clearly no one had explained to her why Link's limbs kept insisting he was still dead.

Riju noticed him immediately.

"Princess, you ought to go and help him," she said, gesturing over at Link, who was struggling to prop himself back up.

Zelda quickly rose from the chair and rushed over to her beloved's side.

"Why does Link need helping?" She asked, carefully wrapping his arm around her neck so he'd be better supported.

"His strength. He lost it, but he's in the process of regaining it," Riju explained, causing Prince Ganondorf to exclaim gleefully.

"Hah! I knew he was bluffing! I knew he was-" Riju pointed her scimitar at his neck, "bluffing..."

The gerudo raised the blade so that it carefully grazed her fellow gerudo's chin.

"Shall I dispatch him for you here?" Riju asked, eyeing Ganondorf coldly.

Link shook his head.

"No; whatever happens to him, I want him to live a long life alone with his cowardice," he said, while the prince shot him a perturbed look.

Riju nodded her head and sheathed her weapon, not noticing the sounds of neighing and huffing outside.

"Link! Riju!" They heard the unmistakable voice of Sidon call out. "Look what we found!"

Everyone in the room perked up, and Link was the first one to reach the window.

Standing below in the dimly lit courtyard were Sidon and Yunobo, and standing all around them were five white horses.

"Well, I'll be..." Riju muttered, clearly impressed. She wandered over to the window and leaned up against the pane. "Where'd you two find those?"

Yunobo began stroking the beautiful mane of the horse he held the reins to.

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