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"Women are weak, very weak creatures"
he articulates his voice cold and raspy a strange cockiness adorning it.

"Like a glass crystal feeble and translucent"

"One flick and its over for them"

Was he wrong?


Did he care?


"I will break you so terribly into pieces you will fear your own shadow" he states as a matter of fact

"But it will be no fun breaking you" he completes sounding disappointed

She stares at him with so much hatred she couldn't believe herself that she was capable of hating someone so gravely.

"Then I will make sure you walk all over my broken pieces until you bleed hard" she speaks in her voice undyingly sweet yet firm doing things to him no one ever did.

"Bleed hard until you die" she completes.

Something stirs in his stomach.

"Weak people are easier to break you said" she smiles the one he had never seen.

"I say weak people are easier to mend. They just take their broken pieces with them, come back and rise stronger than ever"

"I wonder what happens when a strong and guarded person breaks" she mutters glancing at him as if implying she is talking about him.

"You know what I think, when men break strong men you say they cannot fix themselves without a woman as you said weak weak women" she expresses sarcastically.

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