Rosa and the drug lord.

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Juan chuckles again with his legs crossed to the other. " Give me your account number"

"What? My account number? What for?" Rosa said while sweating.

Juan brings out his phone. "Just give me your account number."

Juan wired 600 thousand US dollars in her account. "That's the part payment. When you start, I will pay you the full"

Rosa speechless. "Huh? So you were serious about this?"

"That's not what we should be talking about. The question is what kind of job are you up against." Juan said.

Rosa puts interest. "Okay tell me."

"You will go with my men in smuggling drugs into the country and delivering it to the users. You are very beautiful. You will use your charms to get away from the policemen. I will teach you how to use gun and defend yourself because sometimes it can be very bloody." Juan added

"Who protects me? Where do I live?" Rosa asked in curiosity

Juan laughs. "Protection is the least of your worries. Meanwhile you will leave with me here in my mansion." He paused and continued. " I want to trust you. But only you can help me trust you. Do we have a deal

Rosa clears her throat. "Yes of course. Yes we have a deal. When do I start.

Juan smiles. "Now."

Rosa was introduced to the house by Juan. He urged everyone to respect her and see her as their boss's sister. Rosa was afraid of this new family based on her former experience with those she called family at mama caps bar. Juan asked fernandez to tour Rosa around and answer all her questions. After the tour Rosa was asked to bath and meet them in the dinning table with all the family members.

Juan said placing the table cloth in his lap. " Everyone, meet our new member, Rosa Dans. She is close to me and I demand you respect her as such.

Victor asked Rosa. "Aren't you gonna introduce yourself to us or are you going to allow Juan to say everything for."

Rosa with a slow voice. "Say what"

Victor. "I need you to say more about your personal life, your worst nightmare, crushes. You know, stuffs like that, that will keep this place fun and interesting."

Eva added. "I must confess victor is right this time. We want to know more about you

Fernandez replied. "You people should leave Rosa alone. She just arrived

Rosa said. "No don't bother Fernandez, I think they are right. I should have introduced myself awhile ago. I'm, as well all know my name is ..

Interrupted by Victor. "We already know that."

Rosa stammered. "Em emm Imm eee."

Juan cutted in. "Enough. That's enough."

Eva replied Juan." Let her talk for herself Juan. She is not a child.".

"I won't allow it." Said Juan.

" Is okay." Rosa replied. She paused and continued. "I used to work with my aunty who maltreated me and hated me for my mother's mistake.

"Why will she maltreat you?" Fernandez asked

"Why did your parents allow that?" Victor added.

"Do you have parents at all?" Eva joined.

Juan chuckles. "Come on guys. Just let her talk."

"Work where? Work what?" Quiet Bianca added.

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