Beginning of Rosa and Juan

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Victor and his team got back home and narrated how everything happened. Juan was so proud of them especially Rosa when he learnt that she was the one that saved the day. Juan was more happy  and  had a million and one reason to love her. 

He hosted a party for the successful mission. He invited his friends and business partners from across the globe. Through out the night his eyes was fixed permanently on Rosa. She dressed to the best and caught everyone attention with her beauty. There were many women at the party but it seemed like Rosa was the only one there.

The MC calls Juan up to address the occasion. Juan came up and appreciated everyone that have stood by his side through out his journey. Those that have supported him and stood for him after that he called Rosa up and asked her to be his woman. Rosa was happy with him and said yes. The night was getting fun and fun. Everyone except Fernandez was happy. As the night goes on Fernandez took the 🎤 microphone and embarrassed Rosa,

"Rosa, I heard you were a famous prostitute. You twerk, strip and lap dance for men. I mean, since you are so good in seducing men come up here and dance for us. There are lots of big fish here that will pay you really well. All you have to do is say yes."

Fernandez action almost ruined the night. Everyone was murmuring and starred at Rosa as the most abominable sinner on earth.

Juan was equally embarrassed and compassionate for Rosa. He went up to the stage  and dragged Fernandez by the hand,

"That's enough. Let's go."

Fernandez persistent. "Let me go Juan. Is the truth right? Leave me to tell the world who you chosed over me."

Juan whispers to her ear. "What you are doing will not change anything. Whatever ever you do cannot change anything. I love Rosa, she is my choice, period. Listen Fernandez, don't let me forget how you have served me humbly and submissively and punish you. Rosa is my woman and you must accept that and respect that.

Rosa walks up to the stage and took the mic. Everyone was surprised to see her take the mic after the embarrassment,

"Fernandez is right. I am cheap sleeping around for money. A prostitute working from one night club to another. But I did what I did because of money. I was  aboundoned by  my mother and had no one to cater for me since I was born out of wedlock by a married man. I'm not proud of what I did but no one can stand up here and say he or she is a saint. Sometimes we do what we don't want to do. We are victim of hard luck and wicked fate. After many years of pain and misery God sent Juan, My Console. And because of him I will dance. Just for him I will dance for his party to make him happy.

Everybody was deeply touched by Rosa's speech and clapped for her. Fernandez left angrily seeing she have won more lovers for Rosa. Juan was more inlove and sat to watch Rosa. Rosa danced beautifully that the whole audience were congratulating Juan for making the best choice.

The nex morning, Juan got a call for another mission. He again sent Rosa but with a different team. They came back successfully but almost caught. And Rosa had a serious hand injury that resulted from a gunshot. Juan was not happy that he almost lost his love because of some illegal shipping. He needed a plan, he asked all his family members to come up with a plan.

Rosa visits Juan in his office.

"Are you alright? You seemed worried." Rosa asked

"I am worried. Deeply troubled." Juan replied.

"Talk to me. If there is any way I can be of a help, just say it. I will gladly concord." Rosa said.

Juan smiles. " You always find a way to make me happy. Actually, you are my problem."

Rosa surprised. "Me? How?

"I am not happy I almost lost you. I need a plan on how you can be protected for me while undertaking these missions. Like a disguise, coverup, anything at all." Juan said

"I have a plan." Rosa said raising her finger up.

Juan puts interest. "Go on.."

"I will become an actress." Rosa said with a big smile

Shocked, Juan asked. "What? An actress?  That's intensed. How is becoming an actress going to help our situation?"

"This is how it goes. When I become an actress I become a star. People will love me. They will celebrate me and want me. Don't you get?" Rosa said.

Juan was speechless for a while. He said. "People will love you, celebrate you and want you. How?" 

He thinks for a while leaving Rosa with curiosity to see if he gets what she has been telling him. He acted like someone that got struck by lightening. "When they celebrate and  love you including the police officers they will not have any other reason to search or interrogate you."

Rosa jumped up happily. You got it. When I become a star I can get away with any crime. No officer or enforcement agency will stop me to search or interrogate me because they will be busy taking my autograph."

"Wow that's the most brilliant idea I have ever heard from someone. You are amazing and that's why I love you. Don't worry I will sign you to biggest movie industry and makes sure you gets the biggest roles." Juan said joyfully.

Rosa with big smile. "Okay. When do we get started?"

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