Rosa, The actress.

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After Juan signs Rosa up in one of the biggest movie industry. She packed her things and moved to LA. She needed space to focus on her acting career. Rosa was never in love with Juan. She agreed to be his girlfriend because of his kindness and she agreed to go with him because of his wealth. Rosa needed a getaway job and a last bus top career. She needed a job to get away from her past with madam caps and a job, any job that will give her enough money after which she will quit. Her illegal drug shipping with Juan have given her millions and connected her to hollywood. Now she has a thousand and one reason to dump Juan and his business after she makes it big in hollywood. But will that work? It was never Rosa's initiative to betraye Juan but nobody likes a life of hide and seek. She has been looking for an opportunity to have a better life. "With my hollywood life I will be at peace." Rosa taught.

Eva met Fernandez crying in the kitchen.

"Why are you crying? What happened Fernandez?" Eva asked

"Is juan." Fernandez replied.

"Juan? How Juan? Eva asked sitting close to her.

Angrily Fernandez replied. "Go and ask your boss. Go and ask him why he signed Rosa to hollywood.

Eva surprised. "What? He did what? Are you telling me our boss signed Rosa to hollywood leaving us behind? We have been the one suffering with him when he was nobody. And come to think of it. When you are in, in Juan illegal drug business there's no going out or finding another Job. Juan told us that himself. The only way of quitting in this business is death."

Fernandez wiped her tears with her hands. "Exactly my point. None of us wanted this life. None of us deserve this life of hide and seek. Uncountably did I make request to leave this family and find a better and legal job. But Juan bluntly refused telling me "when you are in, the only way out is death." What happened with Rosa?"

"We all know he is in love with Rosa. That's his personal life. But setting her free and leaving us in bondage is unfair." Eva said.

"He will regret choosing Rosa over me. I don't know but something in me tells me that Rosa is not real. She does not love him, I do. Why can't he see that." Fernandez replied.

"I will go to his office and pour my heart before him. Juan our boss must tell me why he signed Rosa into acting to have better life after destroying our good lives. Eva said before going to meet Juan in his office.

Eva approached Juan with range and despair in his office.


Juan surprised. "Why what?"

Eva in anger. "You specifically told us that the only way out of this business is death. You restricted us from having a good and responsible life."

"You are not making any sense Eva. How do you mean? Juan replied

"What changed?" Eva asked in a loud voice.

"If you are not going to tell me what happened then live my office." Juan told Eva

"Rosa? Is she the only human here? We are all human or is it because you are in love with her? Eva asked.

Juan laughed. "Is all these questions all about the hollywood thing? Come on, she is there for a plan."

"That Rosa will purge you. She will betraye your trust and you will come back looking for us." Eva said before banging the door angrily against Juan.

After Eva left Juan sat and taught for a while. He's beginning to see sense in what they are saying. Could it be that Rosa is using him? Could it be that Rosa is using his head? "Juan what is wrong with you. You get week whenever you see Rosa. Use your head Juan. Use your head not your heart." He siloliquizes.

Rosa on the hand is very happy. She couldn't imagine a life of freedom. Freedom to do whatever she wants.

"But I'm not free. I'm only here for a mission." she taught.

Rosa needed an amazing plan to get away from Juan after she makes it big in hollywood but she didn't want to hurt him. She didn't want to hurt them.

Nowadays Rosa cannot do anything without thinking of Juan. Is she beginning to fall in love with him? Rosa was afraid of that. She was giving a role alongside her hollywood crush Brad Pitt. Jennifer Lawrence was the original owner of that role but she got into an accident and the role was shifted to Rosa since she as pretty and sexy as Jenifer lawrence.

The movie was believed to be a waste of time since the industry didn't get their pre planned budgetted capital to shoot the movie. Rosa was optimistic and encouraged everyone that the movie will be a hit since Brad Pitt - king of hollywood is the lead actor. The movie was mature and contain some inappropriate scene.

Juan decided to visit Rosa on their second day of shooting and saw something that broke his heart. It was Rosa and Brad pitt making love for the movie. It wasn't real love making but a professional one. Even at that Juan wasn't happy. He left in range before Rosa ran after him.

"Wait", Rosa screams as she ran after Juan. "That was just filming. There is nothing between Brad and I. Moreover he has Angelina Jolie." 

"Really? So I'm a child? I didn't know what I saw." Juan stopped and replied Rosa.

"What did you see? A professional kiss? A professional romance? Rosa replied Juan and ran and hugged him. " Please Juan, don't get angry at me. You are the one I love. The one want.

Juan was shocked to hear Rosa make that comment. "What? You love me?

"I don't know. Maybe I do? Rosa said looking straight into his eyes.

The topic changed. Juan was no longer angry with Rosa. They both focused on each with several questions. 

Their love story was one of a kind. Very shocking and dangerous. Let's keep reading to see how this ends

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