2. His Room

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"Grow a bit more first, kid."

My blood just boiled at his comment, "atleast I look more human. Unlike you!" I shooted back feeling the need to smack this big guy's head. "I haven't seen a human like you in 18 years of my life. Such short and grumpy one." He smirked and walked away leaving so many bags for me to carry. I hate this guy so much, and now I'll have to deal with him daily.

I struggled walking with the bunch of bags I had to carry, stepping inside I quickly placed them down. "Oh my goodness! Y/n!" I heard auntie Sofia as she admiringly spoke and approached me with open arms.

I quickly hugged her and a smile spread on my lips. It was amiable to be seeing her after all this time. She never lost her charm and looked exactly like she did before, beautiful and cheerful as ever.

"You're so beautiful!" She complimented while admiring Me, she was totally opposite to her son indeed, "I missed you auntie.." was all I could speak, it was years ago when I knew her well, but now I'm not that kid anymore. I'm way more isolated inside my own self, I nervously looked at mom to help me when she came and joined us.

"She's just a little shy" mom spoke grabbing her attention as she smiled, "oh it's fine, you'll be very comfortable here. If something bothers you just come to me or tell jungkook about it. Alright sweety?" She spoke and gently patted my shoulder and made her way to the kitchen with mom.

Jungkook, his name.

He was lazily sitting on the couch watching TV without any care of his surroundings. I was sure I'll never get along with him, but I'll have to try, because if mom finds out about me treating him the way he does, I'll be dead. So I decided to try, I'll try to be his friend which seems to be the most difficult sh*t to me.

I've never had any friends my whole life. My dad was my only friend, he was a teacher in the school I used to study, we used to have our lunch together which was the most fresh and beautiful memory I have,

I hate bringing up this topic because it hurts. It makes me feel weak, I need to be tough but it just can't seem to get any easier for me.

I made my way to him cautiously trying to avoid grabbing his attention immediately, I had this big packet of potato chips in my hand. I gulped nervously as I sat at the corner of the couch. He definitely noticed me, but completely ignored my existence.

I opened the package making a cracking sound. gathering up some courage, i pulled my hand and the packet in my hands towards his face, "What the f*ck is your problem! Get this thing away." He jerked my hand away causing the chips to scatter over the floor.

My blood rushed to my cheeks as I felt the urge to kick his ass right away, "hey!!" I screamed my lungs out flinching by my own reaction. He knew mom will come running at this, hence that petty smug didn't leave his face that I wanted to slap so bad.

I quickly squatted and started to clean the floor with my hands picking the scattered chips. I turned around to see if mom was coming but she didn't, guess she didn't hear it maybe? Then I averted my gaze to him who was staring again. F*ck him.

"You've got nice curves, I see." He mocked leaning forward and bending his body, bringing his face closer. I felt my cheeks burn at his action, our faces were inches away as I quickly looked away hiding my face wishing he didn't notice my flushed face. From the corner of my eyes I could guess he had this huge smirk on his face.

I cleaned the mess quickly and made my way to take my luggage to my room, but guess I didn't know where my room's gonna be. So I slowly approached him trying to act all tough knowing this guy is an asshole. "Hey. Can you tell me where my room is?" I avoided locking our eyes knowing the fact he would stare into my soul.

"Since when has it become your room, when it's my house?" He scoffed at my question. He was right, but I didn't say anything waiting for a genuine answer. "You better get out of this house real quick, I hate your presence." He rolled his eyes in a real annoyed manner.

I just sighed as I expected his reply to be like this. So I made my way upstairs to check on my own, I struggled dragging the suitcases and bag up but after all the efforts I made it. Slowly walking through the narrow corridor which wasn't too long, I noticed two rooms after walking a few steps one on my right side and one on my left, both facing each other. And In front there was a big window ending the corridor, giving the view of outside.

I was confused which one to go in, my instincts said to the right while my brain said no. Well, I entered the room. Seemed to be already occupied. Is it his room? I noticed how messy it was, pile of papers scattered around on the floor and a few clothes were thrown to the corner in an attempt to be thrown inside the basket, I could see what kind of a person he is. Insane

I looked around a little bit and noticed a few pictures of his mom and dad in a frame, he wasn't there which was weird. Mom told me his mom divorced her husband because he was bad, now I'm not sure how bad, because nobody will like to hang a picture of a bad dad right? I huffed at my overthinking and decided to leave it be, because it's none of my business.

As I was about to walk out, I flinched noticing the guy standing resting his arm on the door frame. "How long have you been here?" His eyes darkened, piercing through my eyes, sending chills down my spine. It was as if I did a huge mistake, and ofcourse I did. Entering his room without permission was invading his privacy.

"Did I piss you off?" I spoke trying my best to look tough, it was tough even standing infront of this huge guy alone. He could do anything any second, and had the power over me to keep me quiet about it as well. I gulped down the knot that was forming down in my throat nervously but with a pokerface.

He suddenly walked up to me gripping my wrist tightly as he pulled me to the corner of the room, "j-jungkook what are you-

"I warned you. Didn't I?" He muttered in his haorse voice, his hot breathe hitting against my cheek as I tilt my neck to avoid his touch which was more then difficult. He really was pissed at this point, he held my wrist so tight that his nails started to dig in my skin as I winced in pain.

"Y-you're hurting.."

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