3. Hate you

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"Y-you're hurting.."

I stuttered like an idiot struggling between his body and the cold wall, his shaped completely against my curves giving me this strange feeling. I looked at him in the eye, he looked like a monster about to devour me. I was scared for the first time in a while, "f*ck I hate you so much." He whispered in my ear breathing heavily as if the rage made him breathe faster. He was holding himself so much.

"Jungkook let me go." I uttered as I felt something trickle down my wrist, it can't be blood right? He was digging his nails on my skin trying to make me weak, but I knew his trick. It was painful but I needed to keep my calm, he stared in my eyes noticing my expressions, there was anger and a tint of suspicion as well in his eyes, he scanned my face as he pushed his knee hitting my thigh which made me yelp loudly.

"Jungkook, Let go of me, or I'll scream." His face traveled my neck slowly as if threatening me, he wanted me to know that he had this power on me.

But I wanted to make sure that he can't dominate me so easily. My other knee was free, so I pulled it up and shot it to his crouch to receive a groan in my ear as he bend down holding his abdomen. I ran out of the room quickly carrying my bags to the room just in front.

I locked it quickly and sighed as I stood resting my body on the door still holding the knob. I'm tired of this sh*t already.

I looked at my wrist which was bleeding now, his nails left a mark on my skin. I walked near the bedside drawer and opened it to find nothing. There wasn't even a single aid box, then my gaze went to the broken glass of the window which looked intentionally broken.

I decided to tell mom about the window before freezing to death at night and just wrapped my handkerchief around the bleeding wound.

I just walked around the room which was cleaned with care, the wardrobe was empty and the changing section behind it with opaque glass just gave it such a good look. I heard a knock as I snapped out of my thoughts, is it him again?

"Y/n, open the door. Why have you locked it?" I heard my mom speak knocking continuously. I sighed in relief and walked to open the door quickly, she immediately barged inside checking if I unpacked or not. Which I didn't yet.

"Okay okay, I'm doing it. Don't give me that look please." I grabbed the bags and dragged it towards the wardrobe. "Do it after the lunch, come downstairs quickly." She said and walked out giving me the side eye look. I was definitely not ready to face that guy alone again, so I walked with her.

We got seated at the dinner table and he wasn't there. I don't know if I should call this fortunate or unfortunate, "y/n, I totally forgot, go and call jungkook to eat please." I knew it. But I didn't know how to react, I just looked at mom with a blank face, and stood up making my way to the stairs. No I'm not scared of him ofcourse, it's just.. I'm a little.. okay yes I'm scared. I'm scared as hell. And I'm not sure what will happen to me now.

I walked up to the corridor standing right in front of his room, the door was closed and there was complete silence. I placed my hand on the door and knocked lightly. Gathering up some confidence again. Just when I saw the door open, I quickly spoke "they're calling you for dinner." And was about to run away but was dragged inside his room easily.

No way this is happening again.

"J-jungkook I just.. I just came to call you so let me-

"Shh, Little strawberry. Don't you think you need to apologise for what you did?" He raised a brow snaking his hand around my waist as he brought me closer to him.

"I- see let's talk later okay?" I indeed was scared, but it wasn't easy to throw my pride and apologize when he literally treat me like a sh*t from the starting while I tried to befriend him.

"Stop playing with me girl, you'll regret it." He whispered bringing his face to my neck as he brushed his lips to my skin. It felt disgusting, i was being harrassed and I had to play it cool? I pushed him away with all the strength I had in me. "See, I know you don't want me here. And I promise to leave this place as soon as I gain everything back that I lost. So please!" I spoke with utter seriousness.

"How are you going to gain your dad back-" my palm made its way by itself throwing a tight slap on his cheek at that hurtful sentence he chose to speak. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at him in utter disbelief, "Y/N!" I heard mom yell as she saw what just happened, she walked towards me with fury reflecting her eyes and crashed her palm on my face with all her strength.

I stood there holding my cheek which was growing red. I looked at mom who held my arm dragged me, glancing at him who was just standing with his head down. As if he didn't know what he did. Mom let me go as soon as we reached the room I was given. "I can't believe you y/n!" She spoke looking at me like I was a criminal.

"Y-you don't know what he said-

"SHUT UP!" she yelled at me again, tears just streamed down my face, and this moment felt like a nightmare.

I was being yelled at just because I slapped a man who spoke so rudely to me? That too about my dad?

Auntie Sofia came running hearing the noises from our room, "what happened Emily, why are you yelling at her." She looked genuinely concerned about me who was just standing and couldn't move a muscle.

"You will stay here in this room until I tell you to, Got it?!!" Mom spoke to me like I was some stranger to her. And took auntie out of the room who was clueless of the situation. I just let myself fall on the floor as soon as she locked me in and left. Resting my head on the bed side rail as my tears traveled through my cheeks. I closed my eyes letting them flow.

-Third person's pov-

"What has she done that you locked her like this?" Sofia spoke putting her fork down on the table. "I'm sorry Sofia, but her behaviour has worsened with jungkook. I saw her slap him!" Emily angrily held the knife in her hand and started cutting the meat in her plate.

"I get what you're saying, but you could have listened to her atleast." Sofia was concerned, and worried.

She didn't know what happened, but she was sure there was a reason you did that. Because she knew jungkook didn't like your presence in this house. After finishing her meal she decided to see you with jungkook to know and resolve everything.

But she didn't want emily to know about it, because if she did she won't let her go in the room.

After complete three hours of asking Emily to just rest while she kept doing the dishes, Sofia dragged her to go to her room and sleep. She was worried too, but she was dissapointed in you for not listening to her. And wanted to punish you for you to realise your mistake.

"Good night Emily, don't worry. Y/n will be fine." She nodded and went inside her room to rest.


Sofia went ahead with jungkook to your room and knocked first and slowly turned the knob not hearing any sound.

She stepped inside just to witness you lying on the floor shivering from cold, jungkook didn't thought before running towards you as soon as he saw you, he held your shivering body in his arms and carefully placed your body on the mattress.

"Mom! Please bring a blanket she's burning hot!" He spoke as Sofia quickly ran towards his room and brought his blanket. "I'm going to get a wet cloth." She whispered and walked towards the bathroom while jungkook held your hand into his, intertwined them and pulled you closer to warm you up.

"I'm sorry...."

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