6. His other side

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"Can you... Forgive me?"

I was dumbstruck at his sudden confession, he didn't look like those who would apologise easily, but does he think I'm so easygoing to just forgive him for what he did. Does he think he'd do whatever comes to his mind and then apologize and everything will be fine again? No. Definitely not.

I averted my gaze from his to the television, "you're blocking the view, get aside." I sternly stated pulling myself back and leaning to the couch increasing the distance between us. He looked embarrassed, I wanted to laugh so bad, but I held it in. He turned around with his cheeks flushing pink as he bit his bottom lip in mortification.

I smirked feeling proud at how embarrassed I made him feel, but somewhere my heart felt bad. Why the hell are you feeling bad? Remember, he's the same a*shole who hurt you and who got you sick in a room all locked up.

I huffed regaining the anger inside of me.

"The porridge's getting colder... Make sure to eat it."

What's his deal? What does he even want!?

I watched him going upstairs smiling as he typed something on his phone. Chatting with his girlfriend maybe, who cares.


I spent around an hour watching Tom and Jerry. Its just such a beautiful representation of how friends are. Mom used to say that all they do is fight, but I personally think that unless you don't have fights, you don't realise another's importance. Not like you'll cry that they're not there with you, but there absence will leave a void inside your heart that only they can fill. And, isn't it more important that something makes you smile regardless of the situation you're in. This is just why I watch it so much.

I smiled to myself thinking of how me and dad used to fight, then we used to act like nothing happened after an hour or two, eating our favourite strawberry flavoured ice cream together.

Even if I try, I can't wipe this pain of his absence from my life. Because he was my dad and my only friend.

Noticing the books on the table, I remembered I have a lot of backlog, because here the school started two weeks ago. but how do I cover it all up if I don't even know the syllabus. I decided to ask him since I have time till tomorrow, then from the next day I'll go to school and take help from the teachers. I'd rather ask them avoiding my anxiety then talk to that jerk and get dumb replies.

I walked across the corridor noticing his room's door was open, I peeked inside and he wasn't there. I remember what happened last time, so I decided to knock. Hearing no response, I called his name out. "Jungkook? You there?"

"I'm always with you." He whispered in my ear from behind giving me a jumpscare, "JUNGKOOK!! Are you for real?!!" I yelled as my voice echoed, he giggled as his lips curved up, "you know what, you're so easy to tease." He smiled shaking his head.

"Well, I'm here to ask you for the study course. Lend me your notebooks so I can get an idea about how much I've yet to complete." I straight up got to the point, "shouldn't you be using an adverb before saying that?" He looked around acting all hard. "Please?" I said not wanting to extend our conversation because I was still angry about what happened.

He scanned my face and chuckled softly, "alright come with me" he opened the door of his room asking me to follow him,

Wait should I go?

"I'll just wait out here, you can bring me your notebooks here." I said bluntly looking around. I glanced at him, his expressions have a tint of dissapointment. As if he was guilty. I watched him from as he shuffled inside his backpack, pulling out few textbooks.

He walked towards me, "here you go, make sure to ask me if you need any help." He started with sincerity reflecting his eyes. Is he really someone who could say that?

"Thanks." I said softly and walked inside my room, not wanting any more interactions with this insane guy. I mean is he mentally okay? Cuz I've seen more personalities in him then the number Of days I've stayed here in this house.

There's so much to do, I need to focus.

I grabbed my backpack taking out my textbooks, starting with the first lesson of mathematics.


And, an hour passed with me being stuck on the second maths problem, when I can't deal with my own.

"Want some help?" I flinched at the voice coming from my back, I turned around and saw this jerk comfortably lying on my bed, or for the time being mine.

"How long have you been here??!" He smirked, "since you've been slamming the poor table with your palms In frustration and cussing the problems" he sat up with mischievous smile plastered over his face.

No way he saw me like that, could it get more embarassing?

"Uhm- well, yea I was- I was kinda struggling with it.. so, so if you could help maybe..." I stuttered, as I turned around facing the table and looking at my textbook.

I could hear him chuckle once again,

I mean, I'm already more embarrassed then I imagined I could ever be so why not ask for help now.

I sensed him getting up as he left the mattress, walking up to me slowly. He was standing behind me, but didn't say anything. Tryna scare me again? Hah won't work this time.

He leaned in as his chest collided with my back, I felt my pulse rate going up and up, while he just read the question normally. He slid his hands out of his pockets and placed his palm over the table surface,

"See, here we gotta use the angle sum property of triangle, that states, adding up all of the angles it sums up to 180°." His voice deeper as he whispered in my ear, I couldn't focus on what he was saying anymore.

I watched his hands as it made its way to mine, our hands brushed up when he took the pen and started writing in my textbook, I tilted my head a little to see him still speaking yet I couldn't hear him. His eyes, glistening almond shaped brown orbs, his lips pink and moist.

"Are you listening miss strawberry?" His eyes now looked in mine, my eyes widened noticing the distance our faces were at, I jerked up and backed up quickly. "Uhh- uhm yea! I got it!" I stated with a confidence that definitely spoke embarrassment.

He giggled at my reaction,
"Sure, then explain to me." He smiled like he knew what I was thinking.
I lowered my head not knowing what to do.

"I think you really do have a crush on me, don't you?"

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