Chapter 16 - Taehyun's dad

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Song - I'll be there by johnny

The week went by faster than dayeol could understand. Throughout the week, dayeol and taehyun went out to look at the scenery which kind of unexpectedly turned out on to dates thanks to the taxi driver who volunteered to take both of them around Jeju Island as much as possible within a week. They had rest but went against it for an experience of a lifetime.

Now it was time to say goodbye at least for now dayeol and taehyun thought. After talking to the staff at the villa, especially the staff lady who took care of taehyun and dayeol to make them feel comfortable. Both wished nothing but happiness and good health for all of them.

After their farewell, it was only dayeol who had to rush back for work but taehyun also decided that he needs to tagalong too with dayeol. So, they both head back to Seoul and from their dayeol pretty much pushed him to go home and rest. Taehyun's father insisted that he should come and stay in the main house for the time being until at least he fully recovers.

Taehyun told everything about the day he confronted his aunt and even his dad to dayeol. So dayeol kind of knew that taehyun was still in the process of mending the broken relationship he had with his dad and especially with his aunt. He was not close with them. When it came to his dad. He was there but at the same time he was not. Mostly because he solved it by giving money to taehyun whenever he needed it. But now things were kind of changing at least a bit, but he was not exactly like dayeol's dad. His aunt in the other hand felt sorry for what she had done to taehyun in the past couple of years and had regrets that kept her awake at night. She now practically avoids taehyun as she can but always made sure that he ate well and even send kimchi every time she can. However, she never showed up in front of him. It was awkward for taehyun with the food but with time he started to let go and therapy helped him.

This time dayeol kind of told taehyun to maybe take another step but dayeol did not try to push him into it but if only taehyun wanted too so after consideration in the end taehyun did what his heart told him to do. He accepted the invitation from his dad to visit his main home. Dayeol also ended up tagging along with him because he felt worried about taehyun.

Taehyun really wanted dayeol to stay at his dad's place, but he had to get back to work but before that taehyun wanted to introduce dayeol to his dad, so he ended up coming inside the house. A person who introduced himself as his dad's driver walked them through a beautiful huge garden. In the middle of it a vintage one-story house was standing along with it. Dayeol could not help but look around and feel absolutely awestruck by the beauty of the architecture of this house.

Once dayeol and taehyun came inside taehyun was at once hugged by someone. Dayeol was not sure who it was.

"My son"

Taehyun's dad pulled away looking at his injured arm. He felt at ease seeing his son after hearing what had happened to him. Little did taehyun know his dad was worried about him. However, taehyun was bit shocked with his dad's unexpected reaction. He normally does not act like this, and it felt kind of foreign to taehyun. He looked at his dad unable to understand this new emotion that he was feeling.

"I'm glad you are okay son."

Dayeol glanced at taehyun and at once he stopped blinking. He knew that taehyun was not okay so he did something that hopefully would help taehyun. He gently put his right hand on taehyun's back and lightly pattered twice to show that he was right there with him. Taehyun at once came back to his senses realizing what had happened.

Taehyun felt happy like he never thought he would genuinely feel after such a long time that had to do with his family. It's been a long time since he felt this way with his dad. So, he smiled back at his dad a genuine smile that he meant it. Seeing his smile, his dad and dayeol smiled back knowing exactly what taehyun must have felt.

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