} Part 14 {

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"I got a baby on the way." Adonis simply said, looking at her. She stared at him, balling up her fists. Naomi saw her face, and went into the bathroom.

She went & calmly sat on the edge of his bed, confusedly looking at the floor. They heard the shower start.


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"Adonis." Imani said, staring up at him. "Okay talk, and you better make it quick." He came & sat beside her, she immediately scooted away from him.

"Imani, don't act lik-." Adonis started, but was cut off.

"YO TIME IS UP BITCH. I SAID MAKE IT QUICK, AND YOU GOING TOO SLOW." Imani yelled, getting off the bed. "Ouuu." she said, pacing the room and pointing at him.

"Imani calm d-." Adonis started, but was cut off again.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm talking now. I run the muhh fuckin show." Imani said, getting pissed off. She stormed out the room, walking to Idris' door.

She knocked, waiting for an answer. She started banging, causing Idris to open the door aggressively.

"Girl don't be banging like you the police." Idris said, looking at her as she pushed past him. She looked at him with tears in her eyes, and fists balled up. He held up his hands as if he was taken hostage.

"Ebony, I'm gone kill him." Imani cried, pacing the room with tears angrily streaming down her face.

"Girl what happened?" Idris & Ebony said at the same time, making Ebony laugh at how sassy he sounded.

"Idris, you gone get got too. Did you know?" Imani asked, pointing at him.

"Know about what?" He genuinely asked, but jumped at her screaming out in frustration. He quickly walked out the door, slamming it.

"Imani baby, calm down. You're pregnant, DO NOT let them stress you out." Ebony said, leading her to the bed.

"Now what happened?" she aggressively said, gritting her teeth.

"I'm not the only bitch pregnant by this ho." Imani said. Ebony slowly scrunched up her face. She jumped up, putting on Vaseline.

"I'm on what you on." Imani said, starting to put on Vaseline too.

"Imani, you are not fighting." Ebony said, making Imani look at her like she was crazy.

"Watch me." she said, causing Ebony to sigh. They walked out the room, busting in Adonis' door. He sat on the edge of the bed with his hands in his hands.


"What's good?" she asked. He looked up at her, he thought she was bluffing.

"IDRI-." he yelled, before Ebony slapped the spit out his mouth. Naomi heard the commotion, coming out the bathroom.

She saw Adonis' face, she knew he was pissed. She ran up pushing Adonis back, making him fall on the mattress.

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