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I ended up getting the day after off, although it wasn't exactly lucky, as I was sick. Sick, as in puking. Every time I move too quickly.

Safe to say it wasn't a pleasant day. But Loona offered to stay with me which was nice. She sat in a chair across the room but it was nice.

"So, how about Verosikas body guard huh?" I joked, being one of the only people knowing just how Loona feels about Vortex.

"Okay, at least I didn't stay behind in the human world to fuck Verosika." Loona laughed.

"We didn't fuck, we had a conversation. I didn't look at her with goo goo eyes like you did."

"Uh huh, sure you didn't. Also I do not make goo goo eyes at Tex."

"You do!" I exclaimed, coughing down a gag.

"I do not. and also why wont you tell me what the conversation was about? I'm literally your best friend."

"Because. Only me and her know what the conversation was about. It's forbidden to tell anyone."

"Boo, you whore." Loona scoffed, pulling out her phone and started to scroll through it.

I rolled over and laid my head in my pillow, "I'm going to sleep, goodnight."

"I'll be here if you puke."

"K, thanks love you."

"Love you too."

sorry for the really short and shitty filler chapter I just didn't know what to write

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