Day 17 | Comfort

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AU: Robot!Sabre
Type: Comfort, as it says
Characters: Sabre, Orange, Luca (LC), Red, Shy Orange
Note: Sorry - Posted late because I was drawing (and studying) and had no time to write. Continuing Day 16 "Below"

— — — — —
Sabre POV

Activating systems...
Rebooting successful. Mainframe activated. Secondary systems status: awaiting.
Powering all systems...
Checking program perimeters...
Perimeters adjusted. All systems powered on.
Welcome back..

I turned back, somehow, not deep in the bottom of the river. I was lad down on a layer of snow, slightly covered in it it too as it fell down the dark skies. Must be the storm. I remembered.

Scanning area...
Weather report:
    -> Stormy
            - Occasional freak winds
            - Temperature: -40°C & lowering
            - Light to mild snowfall —> will get stronger in 1h 12min 23sec
            - Visibility: 1km or less

...I was about to get up when I heard a hostile mob hiss.

Detecting growing numbers of various hostile mobs...
! Advise seeking safety. - Set course to [Temporary Camp]?


Setting course... Adjusting trajectory...
Pathway established. A holographic line appeared in my vision and on a small map in the corner with my current coordinates under in. Speaking of coordinates... Wasn't I in the depths of [Frozen River] last time?

Checking memory database...
Hypothesis correct.
No data on current relocation.

...well..... That-... I don't even know what to say. I'll just go back to camp. The crew must be worried.


"COME ONE, WHERE IS HE?! HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE HOURS AGO! DID SOMETHING HAPPEN??" Orange was pacing around the wooden makeshift house he made, walking in circles panicking.

"I don't know, friend.. He could've got caught in the storm-" Shy spoke up, nervous about Orange pacing and anxious about Sabre not having returned yet too. He was cut off by Orange who was in great distress.


"What if Sabre got caught in the storm, but managed to find shelter in which to wait for the storm to pass?" Red tried to get a word in edgeways and managed to do so, trying to calm Orange down.

"But what if he didn't and he's just a frozen statue out there?!" The latter cried out and dug into Red's hugging embrace. Shy watched them for a moment and decided to join in, making it a group hug that Luca joined in too.

The hug was warm and comforting, reminding them all that they're not alone - that they have each other and no matter what, they'd stay by each other and help when one is fallen, comfort when one is down, laugh when the other is happy. It was reassuring. But the worry and doubt was quick to seep back in, making them all clutch each other stronger, subconsciously, all hoping that he'll be okay and manage to return.

Red took a deep breath, other 3 following and then breaking out of the hug. Orange wipes away his tears and thanked his best friend for what he did. The latter smiled a little and put his hand on the shoulder of the boy with shining hair.

Suddenly, a set of quick knocks were heard from behind the door. Someone yelled behind there, but the wind outside must've silenced it. Taken aback, the group of 4 stared at the door for a while, before Red broke out of the trance and slowly walked to the entrance to open it and see who's there. He gasped.

It was Sabre. He was cold, but seemed fine otherwise. No, maybe his energy levels are low or something.. he thought. "S-Sabre?" He couldn't believe his eyes, letting him in quickly before the cold could get inside.

"That's me, the one and only."

"Sabre!" Orange was ecstatic and jumped in to hug Sabre, almost jumping back because of how cold it was - the Steve ended up having some frost over him. But they were all relieved that he was back.

"Sorry about the trouble. All this-"

"No need! We're just glad you're back and okay!" They didn't want, or need, to hear what had happened, not yet.

"First thing we need to do is get you all cleaned and warmed up! Come on!" Luca took the robot's hand and got him near the campfire so the snow and ice on him could melt. "Don't worry about the mess, bud. It ain't important." He shushed Sabre before he could complain and sat there obediently.

For the first time in a long while, he actually felt comforted, despite no longer being an organic being. He thought that it had to be him comforting them because of his absence for only they know for how long, but it was the other way around. Maybe taking care of him comforted them in return? He wondered, but wouldn't know yet. The hope for that was there though.

The snow and frost melted off of him quickly, leaving his exterior and the carpet under him wet. The crew was quick to work though. Orange and Luca dried it and him, leaving a warm blanket on him even if Sabre debated that he didn't need it. On the other hand, Red and Shy were sewing and knitting warm clothes for everyone for the day they'll continue on, working on Sabre's first.

Sabre felt his interior warm up against his will, unnaturally but not in a uncomfortable way. He was surprised to also notice his vision blurring with something. He concluded that these must've been tears, although there's no water in him for it to leak through his eye sockets. Perhaps just a program glitch. He turned around to face the fire again, though not looking at it as it will likely damage his own vision too and not just of those organic.

He smiled. The first genuine happy smile he actually felt like giving. He didn't notice it, but the Orange, who did see it, was shocked, shocking others with his news. But it made them happy too.

As long as Sabre's happy, there's no reason for them to not be happy either. What a day with panic, relief and comfort it ended up being.

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