Back of the Book

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Five boys share one house, two and two others have their own apartments not to far away. However, they always seem to be resorting to the biggest home as if it was their own. They were more than friends anyways, they were family and home.

The five boys had to prepare for another guys night. They had to shop for more snacks since the last time the guys were there, they completely robbed the pantry.

Aaron, Shawn, Taylor, Jack and Jack all split up momentarily to look for the snacks they wanted. Usually they would go all together to shop in every aisle but this time everyone had the urge just to grab their own things.

Whenever the guys weren't around, Gilinsky always took his chance to pull Johnson to some corner eccentric corner. They would do things that well, people shouldn't in public. "Quick one, come on?" Gilinsky said making Johnson's cheeks freckle in red. "No, no, I'm not feeling it right now." Truth is, they were a very open couple. All the strings attached, sort of. They weren't labeled as 'boyfriends' nor have they ever admit feelings but ever since a curious feeling raveled in Johnson's mind that Gilinsky was willing to consider, well that's how it all started. All these physical connections between them.

For some reason, Shawn has been acting madly awkward around Taylor. Lately they have been very distant to the point where Taylor gets upset at Shawn. "Why can't you just answer me when I ask what type of cookies you want?" Taylor snapped. "Because I can grab it myself. I don't need you okay." in the back of Shawn's mind, he knew how harsh it seemed and it did disappoint Taylor. "Okay."

Taylor left Shawn to grab his own cookies while Taylor waited where they planned to meet up at. The pads and tampons section, because, all those green wrappers, easiest place to spot a couple boys.

Aaron was lurking for chips and beer, he was too young to buy it however but Taylor had his ways of fake identifications and convincing these female cashiers to slide through.

"Cameron? Do you want anything?" Aaron called while looking through the varieties. "Oh those worm candies or something. Gummy bears but I prefer the worms." Cameron replied, wanting to be satisfied. "And Nash?" There was a huff on the other line, "He's with his girlfriend I don't fucking know what he wants." Aaron took that as a, Nash-deserves-it-don't-but-him-anything type of appeal. "Ohkay, candy and nothing for Nash. See you later dude. Bye." Aaron put his phone back and grabbed a 24-pack of wine coolers.

He as about to put it in the cart until he heard a light whine. He looked around and saw a baby inside the seating of his cart. "This isn't my cart is it?" When his eyes landed at the basket, those were exactly all the groceries he and the guys had grabbed earlier. The baby was constantly crying. "Oh shit. What the hell." Aaron just stared at the baby, moving its legs and hands, "Where da off button!" There was a note by the child's head.

For you to take care. You'll understand the story soon but for now she's all yours.

Aaron started panting and he put his hands to his head. "YOU HAVE THE WRONG GUY!" He circled the whole aisle and saw no one around him.

"What's going on all I hear is you screaming!" Taylor said yelling at Aaron a couple feet away. "LOOK!" Aaron freaked pointing at the baby. "Aw how cute, where's the parent?" Taylor started to push the cart looking left and right for someone who he may belong to.

We spot Shawn and his eyes go wide as his lips part. He comes storming towards us. "Aw is this a baby!" His pupils dilate as the who make contact. Shawn smiles and immediately brings the baby in an embrace with his arms.

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