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[ stick around to read, this is funny I got it from a movie about two male best friends ]

I scheduled an event that I wanted the guys to attend, at least, I feel like these guys really really need to go. Mainly, Gilinsky, Cameron, and Nash needed to have these lessons. I think Shawn and matt are pretty good with kids. Taylor can be sometimes, and maybe Carter. I'm not so good with this baby thing.

"Okay guys I did find us a mini van and I'll sign papers and do what it takes to make it ours!" Taylor clapped as we walked into the care-taking company.

We walked in and had lots of eyes on us. "Oh, hello boys. The waiting room is that way." The desk lady pointed to an area with a small cafe and you could see kids ranging from seven to fourteen in there just relaxing. "Actually, we have a session here. Today. Afternoon. Please." Matt told the lady. She just gave us more weird looks. "Okay, and you are? Carpenter."

It was weird seeing people just stare at us. It was peculiar to have seven teens walk into a child development class. "Okay Mr. Carpenter and others, follow me."

We had to sign some papers, choose the corner where we'd be working, and pair up. The pairing was already planned this morning anyways so now the fun begins.

"Three more minutes and this will start our first session!" People ranging from their early twenties were here, majority of them were young since well duh, they're probably on their first child and want to learn how to take care of them.

We all sat in rows of two. Matthew, Cameron, Gilinsky, and I in the front, along with Carter, Shawn, Johnson, and Taylor in the back. It's a good even number. I mean it does suck that Nash isn't but hey, at least we have partners, if Nash was here, one of us would be observing or like we'd all have to take turns going up and trying the activity.

"I'll need a volunteer, a pair actually." announced the instructor. Taylor being, well himself, showy, public, and curious, his hand plopped right up.

"Oh, okay, sure." She said with some shock but still generous. "Just to let you guys know, we take this class very slow. If you thought you'd be playing with baby dolls, well that's in two weeks. Right now we are working with the labor. My lesson today is that we're going to show how one person can be there for the other. Like this!"

She grabbed Taylor's wrist and told him to prop onto his knees. "Now you young man, lay down on your back. You'll be the female role." My eyes widened, "Female role? What are we doing here. Why not Taylor?!" There was a light chuckle escaping the audience. "Well he's more.. masculine? You're all gay right?" That's when on our group of friends laughed, just before I was about to defend myself Johnson yelled, "Yup we all are!" The only non gays right now we're Taylor and I, yet we're about to commit the most gay thing ever.

"Ah perfect. Taylor, lower yourself between Aaron." She instructed, telling him go get closer to me, and for myself to spread my legs open more. "Now this is the position it would be if the male has to calm the woman after her water breaks. This is a calming system before running to the hospital."

"I'd like for Aaron, can you maybe scream because well your water broke. And Taylor, comfort him! Tell him it's going to be alright." She asked.

"Ah. Oh gosh. Woah. My stomach. Damn it." I said, uneventful, not trying basically. "BABE. CALM DOWN ITS ALRIGHT!" Taylor shouted as he held my wrist and I could feel his dick rubbing against mine.

"Uhm. Please. Can I ask if you two switch roles? Not to be, choosy, but I think Taylor works out better." She smiled weakly and I nodded feeling glad that I don't have to look like I'm about to get penetrated by Taylor.

Taylor laid flat, holding his stomach as his legs were apart, room for me to get in between him. I lowered my face almost toward his. "HOLY SHIT ME RHA BABY IS COMING LUTY VAGINA HELP I CANT HANDLE THE PAIN!" He screamed gripping my arms that were above him, basically trapped.

"THERE YOU GO TAYLOR THATS IT!" Instructor applauded. "Your turn Aaron."

"Calm down Tay. It's okay. Breathe in and then back out!" I acted, preferring the male role so much better.

She stood by the two of us and did this time dismissal signal with her hands. "Now if I could get everybody to do this with their partners it would be amazing."

I looked at Carter and Matthew who seemed to be enjoying their work. Matthew was playing it really well, more better than Taylor-- he was just being dramatic but Matt, this was good.

Jack and Jack were getting more, uh, physical. Gilinsky would get on top of Johnson and they would dry hump each other instead of working on the breathing exercise. It was uncountable.

"Ohhh..." Shawn moaned as Cameron was hovering over him. He had such an orgasmic face. It's suppose to be a face of pain and a yelp of anger but Shawn was treating it as if he was getting pleasured. Which was another thing that made me uncomfortable.

Matthew and Carter were the only ones who seemed to not be sexual and irritating. Probably because they were a real couple so this was something affectionate.

"Ew. My fucking gosh..." Taylor rolled his eyes as we just sat criss cross together because we were already excused from the training exercise. "What are you a homophobe?"

"No.. it's just that... please don't tell anybody." He frowned and I nodded. "I may or may not be jealous of Shawn and Cameron right now." My mouth nearly dropped out of amusement and shock.

"YOU LIKE-" Taylor shut me up by strangling my lips with his hands as he pinned me to the yoga matt. "Don't say it!" We had a couple eyes on us, including Shawn. Especially him.

"Well look, he's looking at me now. He probably knows!" Taylor flustered and ran out the room. Ugh. Does this mean I chase after him? But no, instead, Cameron did.

Shawn walked over to me. "Uh what's up with him?" I was contemplating if I should admit it or not. Some people say he likes Cameron so this could make or break Shawn and Taylor's friendship. "It's personal. Ask him yourself. I can't say anything and I promise." I sighed.

The instructor rang a bell. "Okay lovelies! That's it for today's events. I hope you enjoyed this weeks breathing in and out calm session. Next time, we'll learn with baby dolls and what to do with newborns!"

We all ganged up in a circle and began ready for dismissal. "Hold up. Let me look for Taylor alone. And then we'll go get pizza or something."

I happen to over hear Cameron and Taylor talking. "You think I don't feel that way toward Nash? I love him. I love him so much! He doesn't know. He won't know. I don't think I'll ever have the courage to tell him." Cameron started to sniffle. "I just want things clear because I understand your pain. I don't like Shawn. Sure I love him, as a best friend. But these feelings aren't official."

I knocked on the door lightly. "Uh. Guys. Lunch time." I whispered. They nodded and said they would be there momentarily.

We got to the Pizza Parlor and requested the round booth. All of us sat one by one together. And the topic came up from Cameron, "You guys think... We'll talk to Nash again?" He fondled with his straw.

"Uh. Sure." A few spoke. And with the respond of that, the door bell rang and popped in a familiar face. Nash.

He made his way walking here slowly and passing us by. There was a booth with a girl in it aside us. We did find it peculiar earlier how she sat on a booth alone but now we know who's she meeting with.

Everyone exchanged awkward glances. I saw Shawn comforting Cameron. "Ugh Cam. Come here." I open my arms widely for him as he buried his head by my armpit. "It's cool. Forget him."

We are our fresh pizza and tried to forget our best about the boy with the blue eyes who dissed us the night before even though we were the best of friends.

[ sep 3 15 3:17 ] CARPENTER POV

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