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I wanted to confront Cameron because, I knew something. Well maybe I don't completely know but one thing I'm sure of is that I like Shawn more than Cameron will ever do so. And I won't stop until Shawn is hand in hand with me watching Mahogany.

"Cameron?" I poked his shoulder. "One thing. You have to answer it." He nodded so I continued. "Who do you like?"

He gave this shaky look and raised his eyebrows while scrunching his nose ever so nervously, "Shawn..." he said in a form of a question.

I grabbed him by the neck and pushed him against the wall. "You're lying to me." He grabbed both of my hands and forced me off of him. "Okay okay. I like Nash!" I covered my mouth in shock and started to laugh in my palms.

"I WOULD OF NEVER GUESSED!" I shouted. He pushed me against the wall and grabbed my hand as he walked me upstairs, since we were previously in the hallway not too far from the living room with the rest of the guys.

My eyes caught gaze of Shawn before we walked up to my bedroom. He gave me this look of innocence and questioning.

"Who are you going to tell?!" Cameron spoke as he slammed the bedroom door. "Nobody geez. They all know already!" I argued back. He gave me a look like he didn't know anything. "Wait they know?" I heard him mumble to himself. "Yes. Well, all as in Carter and the Jacks but I'm not sure about anybody else."

He sat on my bed and propped his elbows to his knees as his face fell in his hands. I heard him whisper a ton with confusion. "Cameron?" I sat next to him. "If you want to know something, I like Shawn." His head cocked back up as he looked at me.

"And that's why you always looked like you hated me at times. Trust me. I don't like him. I know the past week or so, we've been really close but I, do not, like Shawn." He smiled and pat my back which gave me so much relief.

"Hey. How do you know you actually like Nash? I mean. It's general. How am I sure I like boys, like Shawn?" I started to question. Looking Cameron, deep in the eyes.

Cameron brought his face closer to mine. "Should we... kiss?" I scooted myself even closer to him as our heads both touched, our lips extremely close to one another, how I felt the hot breath against my lips. With one movement, we kissed. His lips against mine as he sucked on the bottom half for less than two seconds.

"Okay..." I said as soon as we part quickly and just stared at each other.

My hands went onto my knees as it supported myself getting up. "Well thanks for that!" I said nervously. "I think I'm going to tell Shawn I like him with this poster that I've been hiding!" I say as I go into my closet and pull something out from the behind.

"I get it. You hid the poster in your closet like your sexuality." Cameron laughed. I hit him with the roll of paper. "No... it's just that its easier there. Shawn use to be afraid to touch my dirty clothes. He would never look there."

Cameron opened the door and offered me to walk down the stairs first. When we got down, the living room was silent. "Guys?" Cameron called. The kept shushing us. The sooner we got to them, we noticed baby Ani sleeping in the crib calmingly.

"Shawn... Taylor has something for you." Aaron and Matt look suspiciously at me and then Cameron then Shawn then back to me. It's creepy. Carter and I have been talking about how weird they are.

Shawn stood up, distantly from me. I took the poster away from my back and revealed it to Shawn. Cameron helped infold one part but I told him this needed to be done alone.

" stay here and lay here right in my arms, as my boyfriend because i don't ever want a moment to be gone " The poster addressed as it had some twinkling font as the background with photos of us.

I looked Shawn directly in the eyes as he nearly dropped the baby formula. His eyes were tearing up and within a split second he inches his arms over mine as I have no choice while loosing balance that I end up twirling as I capture his embrace.

"Always loved you baby." I whisper into his ear as I kiss it. He hugs me tighter as I shrug my shoulders and tighten my grip on his thighs to secure the way I'm holding him. He finally lets go and holds both of my cheeks. "I love you, Taylor."

We look at the guys and they're all cheering. We intertwined hands and bowed down. Cameron gladly caught all the footage.

All clapping except Matthew. "SEE. WHAT NOW! TOLD YOU IT WAS SHAYLOR!" Johnson nearly flips the baby car seat as he jumps up in excitement. "Aaron weren't we right! Give us the money now!"

"What?" Cameron and I said in synch.

Matthew and Johnson look at each other awkwardly. "Matt thought Shawn liked Cameron. And you can see where Johnson stands. I was iffy all the time but I didn't bet on anything like they did!" Aaron explains.

"I don't even care. I'm just happy to have my boyfriend and by best friends and our new baby aside us." Shawn smiles as he brings us all together in one hug.

I love the boys.

Shawn asked for a moment alone. I walk him out to the porch. "Do you really love me?" He sighs. "I mean. I am wondering, because, you kind of pulled Cameron upstairs and.. like, I thought you were mad at Cameron for flirting with me. Like I thought you might of wanted Cam."

"The only person I want is you. Baby, I love your innocence. I've been so upset that you haven't been talking to me lately. All that snappy nonsense. I heard it was just an act to avoid me. And although it makes me upset, I'm still very flattered. I love you Shawn." I put my arm over his shoulder and brought him close. "Love, love you."

Shawn and I in the silence was perfect. I am certain nothing can go wrong between us. "And do you love me?" I asked.

"Always had, always will. Taylor." Shawn says just before kissing my nose. And now it makes me wonder why I've ever been so afraid to hide my feelings for him.

[ 11/04 ] 30 min | 952w

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