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As typical, the bullying and conflict with me and Nash begin. He only picks on me, not Matthew. I'm glad it's not Matt, he's extremely sensitive. It's just that, we're typically a team- Nash, Gilinsky, and I- or we'll use to be.

Now this attitude is out of hand.

He thinks there's only two gays. Watch when someone tells him off. There's only two straights.

It was Gilinsky and I outside.

The other guys trying to assemble the crib. I'm sure Taylor knows how to do it. Even though he looks like he's pumping the screw driver instead of using it. Needy kid.

"I need to tell you something." Gilinsky called. "Yeah that's why we're out here."

He looked like he was having difficulty. I can sense him anytime. It was hard seeing him like this. "Go for it. Dude."

"The reason, well, why Johnson and I have no connection besides the physical is because I have actually been seeing someone else." My mouth dropped as he gritted his teeth. It was a shock to me that I almost fell out my chair. "Who?" I had to ask. "Nash's girlfriend." Ah shit, shit, what. How do I keep this a secret. "I mean, they broke up two weeks ago. I'm kind of seeing her while still screwing Johnson. He doesn't like me. It's fine. But I needed to tell you that I'm bisexual. Which is why Nash and I connect a little more because at least I know I like girls too like him while all of you, besides Aaron of course, are gay." It's a lot for me to take in really. First, Gilinsky backs me up because Nash is picking on me, yet Gilinsky is the same as Nash. "Bro, I think I need a breather." I closed my eyes and tilt my head back. "How do I keep this a secret."

"I'm begging you Carter. Don't tell anyone." He put his hands together like he was praying and I could tell he needed the help. "I'll suck you off because I know you and Matt haven't done anything yet come on-" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Now who told you that?" He snickered. "Johnson. You know him and Shawn and Matt are the bffs in our one big bff pile dude." I yawned and nodded my head. "Nod for what?" Oh Gilinsky. "Nod to, yeah yeah I'll keep this our secret."

Between us three, Nash Gilinsky and I, I didn't trust them as much with my problems. Nash trusts Gilinsky more. Gilinsky trusts me, but I rather talk to Cameron or Taylor.

I know Cameron is breaking on the inside. He has the guy he likes, constantly tear his biggest factor about him down. I just wish Gilinsky would of hit Nash hard enough to change his sexual orientation.

And Taylor, this guy acts gay but I'm never too sure. You ask him and he just says 'sure' or 'yeah whatever' well I think he just goes with the flow. He can't see that Shawn likes him but I know Shawn likes him. Crazy Matthew, telling everyone that he thinks Shawn likes Cameron. It will never work because Cameron is so consumed with Nash.

"Ready to get back in? I think Taylor needs help assembling the crib. He's like jacking off with the screw driver." Gilinsky mentioned. Haha, I literally said that earlier. I wasn't the only one who noticed.

When we got inside, Shawn had the baby, rockling her. Aaron was learning how to make milk, Mathew and Taylor assembling, attempting, to build the crib.

Cameron was just flustered, so lost and dead, aside with Shawn. I had to go check up on him then help the guys.

"You good?" I asked. Shawn gave me dumb look. "No. I am not good. Best friend is a homophobe who tries to accept but doesn't and he just makes things worse. He walked away from us. He's not coming back."

There was a discreet knock and I thought it was Matthew using the hammer but it was the door. "Anyone order pizza?" I joked before opening the door. "Oh." Before I opened the door wide, I stepped outside.

"What do you want?"

"My keys."

"Fine. Stay out here, I'll get it."

I went to Cameron. "Hey the guy wants house keys." Cameron was arching his back so his weight left on his knees. I caught the throw. Before Nash left, I saw that he I walked inside a little deeper, Cameron didn't bother like the other guys. He just simply went in.

"Uh yes?" I roared.

He walked over to Ani. "She's so delicate. I don't ever want her heart broken. Although I see her and only see a four month baby, behind that is a young girl who will progress and I just can't have her turn into anything like me." He pick her up and gives her his warmth as she snuggles under his arm. A tear releases his eye as it lands onto her nose. "Bye." Nash whispered.

He exit the house before anyone could see him cry even more.

"This emotional state is hitting me and I can't come to terms with it. Come on, I lost two relationships. My girlfriend, even and most importantly, my best friend, along with my other close friends. I lost so much." I read out loud to the guys from a text I formerly received from Nash a couple moments after he left.

"It pains me to know I was the reason for part of this. I know I messed up their relationship. This was the cause of his anger. Imagine if he knew it was me who made her break up with him. Along side, I got him angry first. I punched Nash." Gilinsky text me as soon as he read the message Nash sent between us.

"I feel terrible." I sigh as I slouch my body on the couch. "It's nobody's fault but his." Matthew commented, leaving Carter to squeal, "Weeeeeell...." Gilinsky made a glare at me because he knew I would slip. I should not tell any of the guys that he is in a committed relationship with his ex girlfriend nor that I hit him first.

We all called it a day. I rested with Matthew as he agreed agreed to sleep in the living room. Aaron, Taylor, and Shawn had their own bedrooms. There was an empty room until we decided to have all the baby items in there. Oh right, Aaron has the baby for the first night since it is technically his. So, we let Cameron choose which room he wanted to stay in.

"I'll hang out with Shawn and let him sing me to sleep I guess." Cameron yawned.

Matthew high five'd Johnson's forehead as he sighed, "whatever."

There's like some odd thing going on between those two and Aaron every time there has to do with Cameron or Taylor. I don't get it.

It's between them, I won't ask neither until it gets resolved on its own.

I won't bother with anything really.

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