One: Pilot.

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Abby's Voice-Over: "What's your emergency? The first kind of emergency is the one we all have every day. You're looking at my emergency right now. I'm 42 years old. It's been a year since my boyfriend, Tommy, broke up with me. I'm still not over it. My mom's a big part of my emergency. Alzheimer's disease, late-stage."

"Mom, I'm going to work. Veronica's in the kitchen." Abby says.

Abby's Voice-Over: "Taking care of her pretty much takes up all my free time."

"There's my number right there, in case you need to call me for anything." Said Abby.

"You don't have to tell me every time."

"Sometimes you forget. And then you forget, you forget." Abby says, placing a pill in her mouth. "Careful, careful."

She took a sip of the water.

"I'm healed."

Abby smiled softly, kissing her cheek.

"Drive carefully."

"I will." Abby tells her.

Abby's Voice-Over: "Then there's the second kind of emergency, the kind you never want to have, the kind that comes without warning... the car crash, the fire, the heart attack, the break-in. That's the kind you call me about. I'm the actual first responder."

Abby was sitting at her table in front of her computer, putting in her earpiece.

Abby: "911, what's your emergency?"

Woman: "My son. He hit his head on the diving board, and he's not breathing."

Abby: "What's your address, ma'am?"

Woman: "Uh, 242 Beatrice Lane. I'm in Beverley Hills. Please hurry!"

Abby: "Okay, paramedics are on their way."

Woman: "Oh, my God. He's turning blue!"

Abby: "I need you to perform CPR on him. Do you remember what to do? 30 chest compressions followed by two breaths."

Woman: "Okay."

The woman set the phone down beside her son, putting it on loudspeaker.

Abby: "30 and two."

Ashleigh and the firefighters arrived at the address, walking into the back garden.

"Okay, Buck, start chest compressions. Ash, start bagging him." Bobby tells them.

"Got you, Captain." Ashleigh said.

"Ma'am, come with me. I need my team in here. Don't worry, he's gonna be all right. He's gonna be all right. Please, just take a seat." Bobby said.

Buck and Ashleigh kneeled beside the young boy, and Ashleigh opened a box.

"Get some of that water out." Hen says, staring at Ashleigh.

"Coming around. Starting compressions." Buck says.

"Pulse ox is on. Pad's on." Hen says.

"Do we know how long he was underwater?" Asked Ashleigh.

"I don't know. Uh, a few minutes maybe." His mom said.

Ashleigh placed a mask over his mouth and nose and pumped.

"Go." Ashleigh says, seeing Buck finish compressions.

Hen looked at the small screen, shaking her head.

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