Three: Next of Kin.

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It was a child's birthday party, and a castle was set up in the back garden...

The adults were standing around talking to each other while the children played.

"Cam, having fun?" Danny asked.

A few minutes later, Danny climbed onto the bouncy castle.

"Dad, you... you're too big." Cam tells him.

They were all bouncing on it when suddenly the pegs came loose and it began blowing away.

Everyone gasped, covering their mouths, watching the bouncy castle.

Abby: "911. What's your emergency?"

Woman: "Our bouncy castle just took off a hundred feet in the air! You have to come now. There are children still inside. My stepson still in it! My husband got thrown. I don't know if he's dead!"

Abby: "Where's the bouncy castle now?"

Woman: "It crashed into the hill. It's hanging from the side of a cliff!"

Ashleigh drove the ambulance behind the fire truck.

"Adult male down on the hillside. We got three kids in a bouncy castle." Ashleigh says.

"All right, we're gonna stage the trucks on that service road. Ash, I want you and Buck to rappel down and anchor that bouncy castle. Assess those kids and start to send them down one-by-one in a basket. I'll take care of the dad. Hen, you're gonna go down and assess the kids that they bring down. Chimney, work the winch." Bobby says.

Ashleigh, Bobby, and Buck walked away, getting into a harness, and someone clicked her in.

Bobby, Ashleigh, and Buck stood at the edge of the cliff, and Chimney clicked them in, and they began climbing down the cliff.

Ashleigh puts a clip onto the hoop of the bouncy castle.

Ashleigh: "Bouncy castle secure, Chim."

Chimney: "Copy."

"Hey, guys. Hey! We're here to rescue you." Ashleigh tells them.

"Just stay calm." Buck says.

"Hey, boys, can you tell me if your friend is okay? Is he awake?" Asked Ashleigh.

Buck: "Lower the basket down, Chim."

Chimney: "Copy."

"Is my dad okay?"

Ashleigh looked over, seeing Bobby approaching his father.

"Sir, do not move your head. Stay still." Bobby says.

Ashleigh: "Chim, a little lower."

Chimney: "Copy."

"Boys, come on, let's go. Now. Nice and easy." Ashleigh says.

"Basket coming in, Ash." Buck said.

Buck: "Ash's going down. She's got one kid."

Buck then strapped a kid into his harness.

Buck: "Chim, we're good. Take me down."

Hen was checking on the kid that Ashleigh had taken down.

"Dad? I thought you were dead." Cam says.

Bobby: "We're good down here. You can pack up topside. Nice work on the winch."


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