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Billie's pov:

As Francesca leans in to kiss me, her bedroom door forcefully swings open, hitting the wall, and we both scramble to cover ourselves with the blanket. Her mom stands in the doorway, a look of terror present on her face before quickly covering her eyes. My heart is beating out of my chest and I prepare myself to get yelled at.

"Francesca Cecilia Mendoza!" her mother fumes.

Francesca grabs my hand from underneath the blanket, squeezing it tightly. She looks extremely nervous, and I start to feel like this is my fault for coming over unannounced.

"I thought I made myself clear when I said you could only have Nova over while we were gone," her mother says, sternly.

I decided to speak up because I didn't want Francesca to get all the blame. After all, I should have asked if it was okay with her parents first before showing up at her house.

"It's my fault, ma'am. I should have asked if it was okay with you if I came over," I express, politely.

"Yes, you should have," she says with an attitude.

"Mom! You're acting like she's a criminal or something. She didn't do anything wrong!" Francesca yells at her mom.

"Watch your tone, young lady. This is my house, and what I say, goes! I don't feel comfortable with you having people over without my permission."

Francesca rolls her eyes. "It's not like you would have said yes if I asked to have her over anyway!"

"And there's a reason for that! This girl gets suspended for causing a fight and you think I want that kind of influence around you?!" she raises her voice, making me flinch.

"She didn't cause the fight, she was sticking up for me!" Francesca argues back.

Her mom looks me in the eye. "I want you out of my house, now!" she yells at me.

I nod my head and grab my shirt that was on the foot of the bed, pulling it on over my head and swiftly grabbing my shorts off the floor to put them back on. Francesca's hand grips onto my wrist as I'm about to leave and I turn to look at her disappointed face, making me frown slightly. I didn't want to leave her alone, but I had no choice. I quickly gather all my belongings inside my bag and slip on my already-tied sneakers before passing her mom on my way out of her room.

Her mom suddenly stops me with her hand on my upper arm. "You're not welcome here anymore. I don't want to see you back here again. Do I make myself clear?"

Her words stung deeply, but I don't let it show. "Yes, ma'am."

I exit her room and continue down the hallway, but stop in my tracks to eavesdrop on what her mom is saying about me.

"I don't want you hanging out with her anymore, Francesca," her mother says in a warning tone.

"You can't control who I'm friends with, that's not fair!" I hear Francesca's voice break.

"Oh, yes I can, watch me."

"You always do this! Every time I like a girl, you always ruin everything! You just hate seeing your daughter be gay," Francesca cries.

My brows furrow at her words. I didn't realize her mom was actually homophobic. My heart breaks when I hear her sobs coming from the other side of the wall. I wish I could go back in there and comfort her.

"You don't even actually care about the fight, you only care that she's gay and likes me," she snaps at her mom.

"I just don't understand why you can't act normal like the rest of your peers. You're so obsessed with your sexuality when you should be focusing on more important things, like school," her mother stresses.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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