Chapter 5

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Kim lay down on the blanket and say.. 'Sweetheart...' Porsche look at him and say.. 'I know love..' Porsche then take off his clothes and take off Kim's underwear and say.. 'Hold on a bit'.. Kim nod and let Porsche to take his legs and put on Porsche's shoulder and thrust him slowly and gently.. Kim moan slowly and say.. 'Sweetheart.. Aaaah..' Porsche then say... 'Ssh.. Its alright baby...'Porsche continue to thrust Kim.. Kim look at Porsche with a full of love and stroke Porsche's cheek gently.. Porsche smile at him and change their position.. Kim sit on top of Porsche and moan again..' Mmmhh.. Baby.. Please.. 'Porsche chuckle and continue to thrust Kim as Kim hug Porsche' s neck then kiss Porsche deeply.. Porsche then ask while thrusting Kim.. 'You really love this hmm?' Kim nod and say.. 'I love you..Porsche..' Porsche smile and continue to thrust Kim until both of them reach the climax.. Kim touch their foreheads together and breath heavily.. Porsche kiss Kim's lips softly and say...'Lets have a rest sweetheart..' Both of them then sleep together..

Meanwhile at the village..

Guard pov.. (Macau)

Macau finally arrives at the village that Porsche used to live with his uncle (Pat).. Macau then get down from his horse and tie it near the tree...Macau decide to walk around the village and say.. 'I should keep walking..' Macau continue walking and stop as he see one of the villager and ask.. 'Excuse me..' The old woman then ask.. 'Yes, young man? Is there anything that I can help you?' Macau notice that he still wearing an armour and say.. 'Don't worry.. I mean no harm.. I just want to know.. what happened around here?' The old woman then answers back.. 'Berkshire used to being attack by an Urgals and Razacs.. King Bahamut asked a shade.. His name is Kinn Anakin.. He is the most loyal servant to Bahamut.. A lot of villagers got killed.. And.. One of the victim was Porsche' s father.. After Porsche's father died.. There's an old man name Odin.. took Porsche with him.. They left to Valhalla.. '

Macau then ask..' What else do you know? 'The old woman then reply again..' Porsche er ai Shurtugal.. '(Porsche is a dragon rider)' Macau feel a bit shock and ask.. 'ai Shurtugal?' (A dragon rider?) 'The old woman nod and say..' You will reach to Valhalla within 1 or 2 days young man.. 'Arta gulia waise medh ono' (May luck be with you) 'The old woman bow then leave Macau all alone.. Macau then walk back towards his horse and untie it then continue riding to Valhalla...

At Shruikan' s cave..

Kim pov..

Kim wake up and see Porsche is still sleeping with his arms wrapping around Kim's waist.. Kim smile softly and turn around slowly and stare at Porsche's face.. Porsche then mumble.. 'I know that Im handsome.. No need to stare.. Or else.. You will be drooling..' Kim laugh and hit Porsche's chest slowly and move closer towards Porsche.. Porsche open his eyes and kiss Kim's lips softly and say.. 'Sleep more sweetheart...I won't be going anywhere... We are safe now.. Nothing to be worry about..' Kim rest his head on Porsche's chest and ask.. 'Sweetheart.. Can I ask you something?' Porsche stroke Kim's head gently and say.. 'Sure, eka dunei..) (My love).. Kim then say..'you speak in Elf language again..' Porsche smile and say.. 'Sure my love.. What is it hmm?' Kim then ask.. How did you found the egg? 'Porsche keep stroking Kim' s head gently and reply back.. 'I went for hunting at that time.. Suddenly.. There's a light appear out of nowhere.. I failed to shoot the deer but I found an egg instead.. I thought it was a stone.. A shiny black stone.. I took it with me and returned to the village.. I met a butcher and I told him I have something to be trade.. He was interested at first but refused it when I said.. I was hunting in the forest.. He said that egg belong to King Bahamut.. So, I decided to take it with me.. Then.. I kept the egg inside of my room.. My uncle didn't know anything about it.. Until one day.. I found an old man said that it will be a time when a dragon rider rise again.. Porsche show his palm and say.. 'This is a dragon rider symbol sweetheart.. Once your dragon hatch.. You will have this symbol too..' Kim touch the symbol and ask again.. 'Does it hurts?' Porsche nod and reply back.. 'I feel like my hand is burning.. Then I fainted.. 2 days later.. I brought Shruikan to the field so that he can learn how to fly and he did it! I thought that Shruikan won't come back.. As this symbol burn.. Shruikan grown up and returned to me.. Since then.. I have a strong bond with him.. He could feel my fears.. When Im in danger.. Shruikan is the one who saved me.. When my uncle got killed by a Razacs.. Shruikan saved me.. But I chased him away.. Not long after that, Odin appeared and took me with him.. He taught me how to be a dragon rider.. And he also taught me a  few of magic spell.. Its not an usual words.. It called as an Elf language.. I've learnt a lot from Odin actually.. Odin told me that his dragon got killed by Karn.. He is your father.. But Odin seek a revenge on Karn by killed him back..Please don't hate my father Kim.. 'Kim shake his head and say..' Karn really deserve it sweetheart.. He never love me anyway.. I hate that old man until the day he died.. Im glad he is already gone 'Porsche kiss Kim's forehead and continue..' After I rescued Dortning Thanya, You came and rescued me.. 'Kim smile and reply back..' We saved each others life sweetheart.. We went to the tavern' Porsche hold Kim close and say..' We even had a sex back then..' Kim nod slowly and say.. 'I don't know why Porsche.. But.. I fell in love with you since the 1st day I met you at Hollowston..' Porsche nod as well then reply back.. 'I know sweetheart.. You look so beautiful even you are a man..' Kim laugh at Porsche and stroke Porsche's cheek gently and say.. 'I wonder what is Shruikan is doing.. Is he really sleeping?' Porsche smile and say.. 'Don't worry love.. Shruikan won't bother us.. Never..'

Shruikan suddenly fly into his cave and ask.. 'Who say that huh?' Both Porsche and Kim feel shock and quickly looking for their clothes and wear it again.. Porsche roll his eyes and say.. 'At very least my little one.. Please ask for a permission first!' Kim's face turn red and say.. 'Its not his fault Porsche.. This is his cave, remember?' Porsche then ask.. 'What are we going to do now Vegas?' Shruikan then answer back.. 'Take a spare clothes.. I will take you both to the lake.. You both can wash up there.. And.. I won't disturb.. Call me once you both are done..' Porsche and Kim smile and take a spare clothes with them and get on Shruikan's body.. Shruikan then fly out from his cave and fly away to the lake..

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