Chapter 26(Final)

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Porsche and Kim return to the Palace and see Thankhun, Thanya and Arya already waiting for them.. Thankhun smile as he see Porsche and Kim then ask.. 'Porsche.. How are you feeling now?' Porsche bow his head and reply back.. 'I feel a bit better.. Don't worry'.. Thanya pat Porsche's shoulder and say.. 'You need to be strong Porsche.. For Kim..' Kim then reply back.. 'Actually.. We have something to tell you guys..' Arya frown and ask.. 'What is it?' Porsche take a deep breath and answers back.. 'We.. decide to leave Valhalla..' Thankun, Thanya and Arya look at each other and look at Porsche and Kim with a worry and confuse expression.. Thanya clear his throat and ask.. 'But why?Valhallian really need you both..' Thankun then say.. 'I understand Porsche.. You already lost people who you love the most..' Arya smile at Porsche and say.. 'Porsche.. whatever your decision is.. we will support you both.. Just.. promise to us that you and Kim will come to Valhalla for visit..Even Im new here.. but for me.. we already like a family..' Kim bow and say.. 'Thank you so much Princess Arya from Ellesmera..' Thanya then ask... 'What is your plan after this Porsche?' Porsche clear his throat and reply back.. 'We will summon our dragons then we are going to fly to the place where you guys help to buried Oromis, Odin and Macau.. Are you guys coming?' Thankun shake his head and say.. 'It will be better if you and Kim go.. Go and pay a last respect Porsche.. Since you were unconscious for 2 days..' Porsche nod and say.. 'We will go inside to take our stuff..' Thankun smile and say.. 'Well..I already ask a maid to prepare it for you both..' Then, the maid come out from the Palace and say.. 'Mr Porsche and Mr Kim... Here is your stuff..' Kim and Porsche smile and take it from the maid and bow.. The maid smile at them and give Porsche and Kim a food also with a water then say.. 'Please be save'..

Porsche and Kim bow once again and hug the maid.. Thankun then hug Porsche and Kim as well and say.. 'We will miss you both.. Feel free to come here if you both need anything.. Valhalla will always open for you both..' Porsche then say.. 'Phi.. Thank you for everything that you have done to both of us.. We truly appreciate it..' Arya give them a warm tight hug and say.. 'Porsche.. Please take care of your self.. Please take care of Kim as well.. I hope we can see each other again.. And.. May a peace be with you..' Porsche smile and say.. Elrun ono Drotningu Arya.. '(Thank you Princess Arya).. Thanya also give Porsche and Kim a hug and say.. 'I hope you both won't forget us.. And.. If you both need a help or anything.. You know where to find us..' Kim and Porsche nod in respond and smile at them..Porsche then reply back.. 'elrun ono Drotningu Thanya..' (Thank you princess Thanya').. Kim then reply back.. 'phi Thankhun.. Please take care of your self and the rest of Valhalla and also Valhallian.. Me and Porsche will miss you guys.. Thank you for everything..' Thankun hug Kim and say.. 'You are like a brother to me Kim.. Please take care of Porsche and listen to him..' Kim nod once again and bow...

Porsche hug Thankhun again and say.. 'We will come here again phi.. We will always be a family.. Please take care of your self and please take care of Thanya and Arya.. Valhallian need you phi.. And.. You are a true leader of Valhalla.. Im sure Oromis and Odin must be very proud of you..' Thankun smile and reply back..' We are grateful because you both are here with us.. Thank you for everything.. Valhallian will always owe you both.. Valhallian then appear and look at Kim and Porsche.. Both of them bow and say..'Right now, Valhallian already safe and free from enemy.. Nothing to be afraid of!' The Valhallian then cheers through the crowd.. Vegas and Tidus fly down and landing infront of Kim and Porsche.. Thankhun then say.. 'I guess..its a time to say goodbye..' Porsche shake his head and reply back.. 'We will come here for visiting..' Arya and Thanya wipe their tears and smile at them.. Porsche and Kim get onto their dragon and wave at Valhallian.. Valhallian then yell.. 'Please be save dragon riders! We will waiting for you both!' Porsche and Kim bow and smile.. Porsche then yell.. 'elrun ono Valhallian! Be safe! Eitha flauga Shruikan!' (Thank you Valhallian!) (Let's fly Shruikan!).. Porsche then fly to the air.. Kim then bow his head for the last time and say.. 'I will take care of Porsche.. Farewell everyone!' Kim then fly up as well and follow Porsche from behind..

Thankhun, Arya and Thanya then stare at the sky and smile.. Arya then say.. 'Finally.. The war is over... We ars safe now..' Thanya hug Arya and say.. 'Elrun ono Arya.. For helping us..'Arya smile and reply back..' Its my pleasure to help and about Eragon...Im really sorry.. I can't even stop him.. 'Thankun then say..' Its already over Arya.. I hope Porsche and Kim will be fine by their own.. 'Thanya nod and say..' I believe in Porsche.. I believe that Porsche will take a good care of Kim and Tidus.. 'Arya smile and take Thankhun and Thanya to go into the Palace..


After 15 minutes later..

Porsche and Kim finally arrives at the place where Odin, Oromis and Macau got burried.. Porsche and Kim get down from their dragons and walk towards the graves..Porsche kneel infront of the graves and say.. 'Father.. Oromis.. Me and Kim already left Valhalla.. We decided to start a new life.. We want to find a piece.. Please watch over us from above.. And.. We would like to ask for the blessings..' Kim smile and reply back.. 'I promise.. I will take care of Porsche for uncle Odin..' Porsche kiss Kim's forehead and say.. 'Please pray for us Father.. And master Oromis.. Thank you for everything. I guess.. We owe you our life..' Kim look at Macau's grave and say.. 'Sweetheart.. Please say something to Macau as well..' Porsche take a deep breath and say.. 'My dear Macau.. I won't be able to repay you since you are the one who saved me.. And.. I owe you my life as well..' Porsche then stroke Macau's grave and say.. 'rest well my love.. Please watch over me from above.. Im sorry because I couldn't saved you.. I promise I will take care of my self.. And.. I will take care of Kim as well.. Thank you for everything Macau.. I won't forget you.. Maybe in another world.. We will reunite again.. 'Kim smile and say..' Macau..Uncle Odin and Master Oromis.. We need to leave now.. We will come here again to visit.. May God will bless you guys..and now.. 3 of you can rest in peace.. We going to start a new life.. Please pray for us.. 'Porsche then reply back..'Thank you and farewell..' Porsche and Kim bow and get onto their dragons.. Porsche then say.. 'Eitha flauga Shruikan..' (Lets fly Shruikan..) Shruikan then fly away follow up by Kim from behind.. Both of them fly away to Berkshire to start a new life together..

                          The End

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