Chapter 9

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Porsche and Kim decide to go to the lake.. As both of them walk towards the lake.. Kim then look at Porsche and say... 'Now, Im a dragon rider.. I don't know either I can be like you sweetheart..' Kim grimace while looking at Porsche.. Porsche swim towards Kim and hug his waist and reply back.. 'I know sweetheart...being a dragon rider.. will be hard at first.. There's a lot of things that you need to learn.. Especially when it comes to magic.. You must learn how to control it.. Otherwise.. Bad thing will happen..' Kim hug Porsche's neck and kiss his lips softly and ask..' Mind to tell me? 'Porsche smile and say..' You must learn an elf language before you use the spell.. If you use it before you ready or before you can control it.. Those magic can kill you sweetheart'.. Porsche kiss Kim's lips softly and say.. 'Let's relax here for a while..' Kim nod and swim with Porsche..

After 15 minutes later..

Porsche and Kim return to Shruikan's cave and see the silver dragon is resting with Shruikan.. Shruikan look at them and communicate.. 'You both should rest well..' Porsche frown then ask.. 'What happen Vegas?' Shruikan then communicate back and say.. 'Nothing Porsche.. Ono un Kim eru Shurtugal..' (Yoi and Kim are dragon rider) Time fly quicker.. 'Porsche stroke Shruikan' s head and listen to his purr.. Kim chuckle and reply back.. 'Are you a dragon or a cat Shruikan?' Porsche laugh and say.. 'Don't tease him sweetheart.. Or.. he will get angry..' Suddenly.. Glaedr appear and communicate with Porsche and Kim then say.. 'Odin un Oromis eru sja wiol ono.. Porsche.. Kim.. Un wiol Shruikan.. Ono sitja.. (Odin and Oromis are looking for you Porsche and Kim.. And for Shruikan.. You stay..') Shruikan bow his head and let Porsche and Kim leave with Glaedr.. Glaedr then fly to Valhalla..

10 minutes later..

Kim, Porsche and Shruikan arrives at Valhalla.. Odin walk towards Porsche and Kim then welcome them to go inside the Palace.. Thankhun smile as Porsche and Kim join him and Macau at the table along with Oromis.. Oromis then ask.. 'Is everything alright?' Porsche and Kim nod in sync.. Macau smile at them.. 'Im happy because phi Thankun gave me a chance to stay here.. Thank you so much phi Thankun..' Thankun smile and stroke Macau's head gently and say... 'No need to thank me Macau.. Just consider this is your new home..' Suddenly, there's a loud noise come from outside.. Oromis then yell.. 'Archers! Get ready!' All the guards rush to go outside and see the Urgals are approaching.. Porsche take his bow and arrow then say.. 'The rest of you stay here! Kim! Lets go!' Kim nod and take his bow and arrow then run outside..

All the archers are ready with their bow and arrows.. Porsche then see Shruikan fly in the sky and communicate with Porsche.. 'Porsche! I will come and grab you!' Porsche then communicate back.. 'neo vanta! (No need!) I will fight with others.. You should go back Shruikan! Take care of the other dragon!'Shruikan ignore Porsche' s order and start fire from above.. Those Urgals yell in pain and burn.. Porsche use his bow and arrow then shoot them and yell.. 'Brisingr!!' The arrow hit those Urgals while Kim use his bow and arrow then shoot as well..

Odin then yell.. 'losna du oro! (Release the arrows!') The archers then shoot those Urgals again and again.. Kim use his bow and arrow then shoot as well.. Porsche then see Glaedr and Thanya then ask..'Drotning! What are you doing here?! Its not safe!' Thanya then yell.. 'Fire Glaedr!!' Glaedr spit the fire from above together with Shruikan.. Kim use his Zaroc sword and start to strike those Urgals.. Porsche run towards Kim and help Kim to fight with those Urgals.. One of the Urgals strike Porsche's arm with his knife.. Kim yell' No!! Porsche! 'Shruikan fire from above and roar.. Odin then strike others with his sword along with Oromis.. Thankhun and Macau use their bow and arrows to shoot those Urgals.. Porsche hold his bleeding arm and stay calm.. Kim look at Porsche with a worry expression and say.. 'You should go and take a rest sweetheart.. I will handle this!'

Porsche then noticed a man sitting on the horse are walking towards them.. The man suddenly speak up.. 'How many blood need to shed because of this stupid war?' Porsche then yell.. 'Who the hell are you?! What do you want from us?!' Porsche look at him with a serious face expression.. Kim shoot the urgals again with Macau.. While Porsche walk towards Marcus and point the sword towards his neck and say.. 'Leave! Leave before I kill you!' Marcus then say.. 'You and Kim must come with me.. Bahamut is looking for you both.. Kim then yell..' Don't listen to him! 'Porsche smirk and say..'I know Bahamut is trying to kill me.. But why would I follow you? Especially drag my lover into this matter? Just because Kim is a new dragon rider.. It doesn't mean he need to come.. The urgals is about to attack but got attack by Kim and Thanya.. Thanya then yell.. 'Porsche! Stay away from him! That man is dangerous!' Marcus is about to kill Porsche but fail as Macau stab Marcus from behind.. Marcus fall on the ground and die..Porsche look at Macau then ask.. 'Macau.. Are you alright? Are you hurt  somewhere?' Macau look at Porsche's bleeding arm and say...'Come on phi Porsche.. I will treat it..' Macau pull Porsche to go into the Palace leaving Kim and others.. Thankhun pat Kim's shoulder and say.. 'Don't think too much Kim.. Macau is just trying to help..' Kim nod and say.. 'The worst is over now..but.. we must stay here for guarding..' Odin then say.. 'Kim.. Ono ganga undir.. (You go inside).. Kim then reply back..' Its OK uncle.. I will stay here.. 'Oromis sigh slowly and look at Thanya then ask..' Are you alright my dear one? 'Thanya then reply back..' Ja Oromis.. Im fine.. Kim then go inside of the Palace and see Porsche and Macau are sitting together.. Macau then ask.. 'Why you need to risk your life for this phi? You don't deserve it..' Porsche smile at Macau and say.. 'Its my fate Macau..I can't change it..'

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