Chapter 2: Reality

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October 1959

After many passion-filled nights away at Lake Tahoe and at our new apartment, we now start truly living our lives as husband and wife. Heather is a model so she is always getting calls about future gigs. Lately, my girl has been receiving many offers from impressive agencies. Thankfully, that beautiful thang has been blessed with not only beauty but many other talents.

"Frank, what if they don't call me back?" She pours herself a glass of wine.

I walk over and sit on the barstool. She rests her head in her hands and leans on her elbows. I hate seeing her stressed out like this. It's bad enough that I'm stressed at work as the only black architect.

"Darlin', you have many talents and abilities. You are a professional pianist for Christ's sake!" I take her hand.

"Who wants to hear classical music or jazz anymore? It's all about Elvis or The Beach Boys, nowadays." she sips her wine. "These folks out here want to rock and roll, Frank."

"Heather, the young people want to rock and boogie. The more sophisticated folk want to unwind to the beautiful sounds played by your gorgeous, dainty fingers." I kiss her hands sensually.

"You certainly have a way with words, Frank. How is it at work, love?" She finishes her first glass.

"You already know." I cackle. "The only nigga boy with an office. They make hidden digs at me and say a lot of indirect things. I know what they truly mean. They leave me out of the loop most of the time so I have to overwork and overstay at the office. I can't wait for football training!

"Oh, Frank..." She sits in my lap and kneads my back. "Do you want to fluff my pillow? That might help us both. "

"I'd love to fluff your pillows but I have to go back to the office tonight," I say defeatedly.

"What a bummer. Well, I could play something on the piano to ease my mind." Heather smiles.

"That's what I like to hear, baby!" I kiss her lips.

I give her one more, long-lasting sensual kiss and grab my keys.

When I arrived at my office, I noticed three envelopes on my desk. I open each of them and read that they are project offers. What's crazy is I'm already getting used to this job. The current projects I'm working on are massive and very time-consuming. How do they think I'm going to be able to add all of this other shit to my plate? The pros and cons of being a head nigger boy...

I work until it's midnight and then I lock up the office. I then head to the local bar for a drink. Once I pull up to the bar I hear a familiar voice.


"MARY!" I exclaim. "IS THAT YOU?"

"Frank... Mi displace... I sorry, mio amico." She slurs.

I can tell Mary has had way too much to drink. She can barely stand on her own. I hold her up as she cries into my arms. We then walk toward the patio side of the bar and sit down at a booth. I ordered her a cold glass of water with a lemon wedge and some crackers.

"What's wrong Mary?" I ask while placing a damp napkin on the back of her neck. "I know I don't know you personally, but this isn't the Mary I saw months ago at my wedding."

"My family don't want me here. They want me home. I want to live in America and have dreams." She sobs and hiccups. "I make fool of myself, Frank. I harmed the bar tend."

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