Chapter 13: The Slammer Gets Pinned

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January 1967

Oakland California

The first-ever Super Bowl and my black ass got knocked out. Well, that is what the press said. Truthfully, I was too embarrassed to get up and walk off of the field so I was carried off on a stretcher. My mother said it needed to happen to knock me off my high horse. I don't know about all of that.

"Frank, could you hold him while I got get him some new pants?" Cindy asks.

"Sure, sweet thang," I grab my son gently.

For a three-month-old baby, this boy is big. He takes after his beautiful mother, appearance-wise, but he has my spirit. If it weren't for this kid, I don't know what I'd do now. I've been so embarrassed to show my face anywhere lately. Cindy, the baby, and I have been living on the sailboat I bought a few years ago. It's one of my spur-of-the-moment buys. Not too smart considering I cannot swim well at all, but I love boats, and being near the sea.

"Frankie, I miss home. Why don't I take the baby and we stay at the house for a few nights? You can stay out here," Cindy suggests.

"Leave him here with me and you go home," I retort.

"Frank, I have to be around to feed him. It'll only be for a few nights. I miss our bed at home. It's nice out here, but I'm tired of being rocked by the waves of the sea."

"Alright..." I sigh.

I hold Jacob close to my chest and think about home. I do miss living in my place. I miss our bed too. Jacob has only slept in his room a few times since his birth. I probably should go home now. I look like a whole pussy hiding like this.

"Baby girl, I'm going home with you two. I can't keep doing this," I exhale.

"Everything will be fine, my love."

Cindy kisses my lips and starts to pack up our things. I take Jacob out on the deck to get some sun. As soon as we sit down, I hear a crowd of people chanting my name. "Slammer!" "We love you!" "Go Chiefs!" I turn around and see a bunch of people, mostly ladies jumping up and down holding up my jersey number 24. Cindy comes up to meet us with a huge smile on her face.

"This is something I will have to get used to..." She giggles.

"Don't tell me you're jealous, babe?" I snort.

"Who wouldn't be? You aren't just any football player, Frankie. I've seen those guys and some of them are not attractive at all. You are very handsome, Frankie," Cindy rests her head on my shoulder.

"I'm just a man, baby girl," I shrug. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my lifetime."

"Oh please!" Cindy cackles. "I'm a god damned freak. How many women do you know that are over six feet?"

"Not many," I chuckle. "There is nothing wrong with you, my dear. Your height makes it all better for me. Them little thangs are nice and all, but I like bigger gals too. I don't discriminate."

"That's good news because when I hit sixty, I'm going to get nice and fat for you when we retire early and relocate to Italy!" Cindy roars.

"Hey, there is absolutely nothing you could do that could ever turn me off of you woman!" I kiss her roughly and wrap my free arm around her. I smile and wave at my fans who have gathered around and watched the sunset in the sky.

On our long drive back home, I watch Cindy and my boy sleep peacefully in the rear seat. Suddenly, I am overwrought with emotion and begin to sob. I have no idea why I'm crying. This is what a man wants in life. Something to call his own. All I ever wanted was a nice home, land, and the freedom to come and go as I please. I feel like I have that now. Only two little people are missing from the equation.

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