Chapter 12: Bitter Ex-Wife =Happy Life

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4 Years Later

July 1966

San Francisco, California

"She keeps sending me death threats and dead flowers, Frank," groans Cindy. "She even wrote in one letter that I'm pregnant with the spawn of Satan and that my baby is going to die. What in the hell is wrong with her? Does she understand how insane she sounds?"

"Toss the letters, and toss the flowers," I peck Cindy on the lips and pour us both a cup of coffee while she finishes the dishes. "Don't let her get to you, baby."

"It's hard not to, Frankie. She's gone berserk!" Cindy exclaims. "I swear she follows me around town when I'm out."

"Baby, she isn't following you. She does have a job," I chuckle.

"Heather may have a job, but who's to say she isn't stalking me when she's off?" Cindy questions.

I met Cindy in '64 while I was taking a jog down my street. She is a 6'2 blonde with a beautiful face and a perfect body. Cindy would watch me run and sometimes follow me. One day I noticed she was taking pictures of me and I decided it was time to confront her. She was so afraid that she ran away from me but I eventually caught up to her and tackled her into someone's yard. She told me she was an artist and sketched me so she could paint a portrait of me. I guess it was my second case of love at first sight.

Cindy is a nice gal. I mean she does seem quite eccentric at times and her mood swings are something I do pay attention to. Other than that, I can say I love her with my whole heart and she loves me too. Cindy adores me and in some ways worships the ground I walk on. I can say I feel the same about this tall blonde.

"Frankie, what are you going to do?" Cindy takes my hand.

"I'm not leaving your side until I know for sure Heather isn't going to come by here terrorizing you!"

"I think I'll be fine, honey," Cindy chuckles.

"It's not just you I'm worried about. You are carrying my child too, dear."

"I guess you'll just have to trust me, Frank," Cindy shrugs. "You forget I studied martial arts just like you have."

"You are six months pregnant, dear. You shouldn't have to worry about fighting anyone right now. I want you to relax so the baby is okay." I kiss her lips.

Cindy laughs and leaves me in the kitchen to tend the garden. I don't like for her to be so active while she is pregnant, but she is very independent. That is something I have to get used to. I am the type of man who must have all control. I like for my woman to sit back, allow me to give the orders, and let me do what needs to be done. That goes for what happens in the bedroom too. Cindy is the opposite when it comes to matters of the sheets. I swear, this gal might send me to an early grave if I continue to let her do what she does to me.

I will say this, I think Cindy did change me. This lady is something else. I've not loved like this since Mary but even with Mary, I was still wild and out there. Cindy reminds me of Judy and what I felt for Judy went beyond anyone else. I've been faithful to Cindy since the first day I saw her drawing on her lawn. She has my full attention at all times. I will admit I have been more territorial over her. Cindy has many 'admirers' and I don't like all the attention she receives. I guess the shoes are on the other foot now and I see how many gals have felt when they were with me.

"Frankie, did that agency ever call you back? It'd be nice to see you on the cover of Jet magazine," Cindy says while washing the dirt off of her hands.

"Since when does your ass read Jet?" I snort.

"I read everything, love," Cindy laughs. "I'm progressive, Frankie. My entire family is. You know this."

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