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-chapter two-

The door slammed shut with Imani bending over to untie the shoelace of her Vans sneakers. Pulling her feet free from the contraption of her shoes, she set them aside on the shoe rack before trudging over to the living room with her backpack.

"I was not about to witness a mess right there in the lounge," Zuri grimaced, as she fell back against the sofa.

Yep, very lazy, Imani mused as she folded her arms across her chest.

Instead, she replied, "what if Chisom is right?"

"I don't know, I guess we're fucked then," Zuri shrugged before standing up from the sofa. "I'm fucking famished anyway."

It was then Imani remembered she had both some Chinese but had neglected the hunger that drove her into buying the meal. It was probably cold at this point. 

"I have some Chinese," she pointed out to her twin whose face lit up like that of a kid at the candy store. "I am sorry to say I only bought it for myself."

Zuri's countenance then fell at that which had Imani smirking at that. God, she loved pranking her sister with every opportunity she could get.

"I'm just pulling your legs," she got serious. "You can have it. I'm just going to drink garri...with the meat from the Chinese, there's some chicken in the fridge you could eat with that."

Zuri rolled her eyes again, "you can't drink garri with the chicken instead?"

"Now, where's the fun in that?" Imani chuckled. "You can have the Chinese with the meat. I'll go get the chicken instead."

Then, she turned, walking into the kitchen to get the refrigerated chicken drumsticks. It was about time she did anyway, that food had spent like three days in the fridge and Imani hated letting food go to waste. She pulled out the chicken before shoving it into the microwave and allowed the device to run for a minute and thirty seconds.

While doing that, she had already scooped a cup of garri into a ceramic bowl before adding a few spoons of sugar. The microwave, then beeped, signalling her to take out the chicken and place it on a tray which she also put the ceramic bowl on top of. Then, she made her way to the living room.

Zuri had already eaten half of the plate which made Imani's eyes grow large like saucers. "What the hell, Zuri!"

Her twin shrugged dismissively, "I was hungry!" She rationalized after chewing and swallowing the morsel of food in her mouth.

Imani could only snort as she sat down with the tray on her lap and added water to the garri and started eating. She briefly shut her eyes as she bit into the chicken, feeling a rush down to her stomach as she was finally able to sate her hunger.

It was not long before she had finished eating and placed the tray aside when she noticed Zuri's eyes watching her closely.

"And here I was thinking it would take you years to finish eating?"

Imani bit back the urge to say something smart as she stood up to return the tray back into the sink in the kitchen before returning to the sofa.

Taking in a deep breath, she sunk into the soft confines of the sofa as she pulled out her MacBook from her backpack, determined to work on any assignment beforehand.

It was true that most of the deadlines were still far ahead but Imani felt it was a bad idea to start working on assignments at the last minute and to avoid working on them immediately was the best strategy for her. Working at the last minute may work for Zuri but not for her.

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