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chapter eight

Looking up from her phone, Imani could sight the room number on the door of the gym room. KINES 158, it read carved into the wooden placard. She looked back down at her phone to check, the numbers aligned with each other and she sighed in relief as she took a spot opposite the room, reading through the bulk of papers in her hand.

Despite the knowledge that her nose should be buried deep in her notes, the nagging reminder of her recent dream featuring that same stranger lingered in her mind.

"So, what's your name?" She broke through the silence greeting the handsome stranger beside her. It was jarring to see him without his 'glowing eyes of doom' staring back at her via a mirror.

His curly brown hair flowed in sync with the wind, making him seem as serene as the seaside they both sat in front of. His face turned to view hers and he was about to respond when...


She turned away from him to acknowledge their new addition. She stood up to meet with Kayla who made her way down the beach.

"Kayla," she greeted with her arms out. They both hugged and pressed a kiss on each other's cheek before moving apart from each other. "I have been waiting for you now. Come, I want you to-."

She turned to look at her former companion whom she had left for a moment but when she turned, it was as if he was never there in the first place.

She frowned, was it a figment of her imagination?

Dreams are a figment of the imagination, Imani shook her head, now that she was back in the real world. She looked down at her Introduction to Psychology notes and she was now on the review notes on sleep. Her landing on the section that briefly summarized dreams was just fucking rich.

Freud's Interpretation of dreams, she mused. Freud proposed that dreams are a fulfillment of one's wishes and desires. One's repressed desires and feelings are brought up to the surface for the individual to confront in their dreams.

She paused at that before turning the paper down. Either Freud was tripping on whatever drugs was the hype of the moment in the early 20th century or Imani was in deep denial.

Her wish and desire was not to get stalked by a vampire in her dreams. Yeah, I noticed the mark, she picked up her phone to look at the time before looking back at the door of KINES 158. It is time.

"Good afternoon, Director Rivera," the detective greeted as he held out a cup of Starbucks coffee for the director who had just stepped into the hospital

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"Good afternoon, Director Rivera," the detective greeted as he held out a cup of Starbucks coffee for the director who had just stepped into the hospital.

"Good afternoon, Detective Hill," she responded as she collected the coffee. "What is the update?"

Detective Hill paused, giving the director a somber look, "the body has been identified."

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