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chapter eleven

Great, I cannot even concentrate, Imani felt the urge to growl as she felt her mind drift away during Mass even while Father Roberto went on an illustrative liturgy on the importance of Christmas.

Instead, her mind chose to veer off to the steamy dream that she had woken up from. We're in a church, dammit, she found herself cussing as she willed the torrent of stray thoughts that threatened to overtake her mind.

It was as good as useless as suddenly, she was no longer in the pew, she was transported into a little shed she had never been to with the same vampire she had seen in her dreams, peppering her neck and face with kisses. A gasp escaped her lips as his fangs grazed against her neck.

Immediately, Imani forced herself back to reality, her face heating up in realization of what her treacherous mind was doing. She stood up discreetly, slipping away to the washroom to take a deep breath.

What is wrong with me today? She sighed as she opened up the tap from one of the sinks. She let out a deep breath as she felt the warm water before staring up at the mirror to meet her weary eyes.

I am not tired though, I am just disoriented, that's all, she thought again - which was true, she was disoriented. Anyone would be if they woke up with a strange tattoo after having some strange dreams.

She turned away, pulling some paper towels from the dispenser to wipe her hands before using them to turn off the tap. On leaving the washroom, she balled up the towels before throwing them into the waste bin. Then, she made her way back to the pew.

Zuri looked up at her with a strange look on her face. Are you okay? She mouthed at Imani who just nodded at her before taking her seat beside her. Liturgy went on smoothly, this time as she was now in a more appropriate state of mind and soon, it was time for the liturgy of Eucharist in which Father Roberto had blessed the bread and wine before distributing it to the laity. No longer after that, had the laity repeated the closing prayer.

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all, amen," the church chorused, signaling the end of the Shepherd's Mass.

Everywhere was bustling with some of the attendees staying behind to chat with either the priest, the friars and nuns or other attendees.

Zuri and Imani's parents were in the latter category as they stayed behind to talk with one of the Filipino families. Their older brother, Juan was in a deep conversation with Father Roberto while Marcos stayed close to him.

Imani, on the other hand, was still on the pew, lost in her world until a nudge jolted her back to reality.

"You really seemed lost in your thoughts today," Zuri teased, taking the pew beside her. She was dressed in a Christmas-themed sweater gown, same as what Imani wore for the Shepherd's Mass, with a pair of nude dark brown pantyhose underneath.

"Sorry," Imani muttered.

Zuri shrugged as she reclined her back against the pew.

"Have you ever had strange dreams before?" She asked, out of the air.

Imani gave her a quizzical glance before answering, "At one point, everyone has had a dream they consider to be strange. You have to be more specific about what strange dreams you are having, Zuri."

"I have been seeing vampires in my dreams recently."

It felt like a sort of shock when she heard that. Imani frowned, turning to look at Zuri whose hands were folded. "Seriously?"

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