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While the entire city took vigil in their homes, clubs and in religious buildings, counting down the seconds to midnight, the dark figure stood on the empty street as he watched his latest prey stumble across the lonely street.

Stupid girl, he mused as he slinked between the shadows. She was so vulnerable - drunk and alone on the streets. No one would hear her screams as the noises of people counting down would drown her voice out as he would kill her.

He would have loved to make her death slow and extremely painful but he could not risk being found out and having his mission jeopardized.

Making his move towards the woman, he was as stealthy as a roaming panther. She swayed and he caught her in his arms.

"Shit, sorry," she slurred before gazing up at him. Her eyes widened, not in fear but out of lust as she gripped his jacket.

"I'd not have expected to bump into a handsome stranger a few seconds before the New Year," she said, batting her eyelashes seductively at him.

His lips quivered as he decided to play along, "Fate seems to throw strange turns at you, my dear."

The drunk lady then smiled coyly at him as she twirled her hair around her index finger, "How about we make this a New Year we'd never forget?"

His grin grew lupine as he stared down at her. Who would have thought that his prospective victim was offering herself on a platter without realizing it? Oh the irony.

"Of course, baby," he replied.

He had his victim to mark the New Year and she had no damn clue what her fate was about to be. And when she finally finds out, she'd have been long dead before she could do a damn thing. 

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