Second Thoughts pt.2

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Jack landed on the beach, ditching his parachute. Using a small pair of binoculars with heat signature specs he scanned the area. 'Looks like guards up ahead.' He tapped the comms unit on his ear. "This is Bullet. Do you read me?"

"Copy." Another agent responded.

"Proceeding with mission. Hostiles detected. Requesting scan."

"This is Go from Intel." Kana said. "Based on your location, it looks like you should head west. Your binoculars should see a tower after 29 meters--use the scrambler to disable communications and its a clear shot to the mansion."

"Got it. Thanks Kana."

Jack proceeded as planned, not knowing the enemy was closing in. A mine detonated on the beach sending Jack running towards the jungle.



Now that Chau had believed that the spy was nearby, Joe had a new problem. The last time he had seen Jack, he was like a stranger. Now, his memories had been coming back in bits and pieces and he wasn't sure he liked what he saw.  There was no denying it now. He was a married man. And for some reason, that was more frightening than the fact that he had been kidnapped and stuffed into a green suit. He needed time to think.

"So...Almighty Chau?"

"Your eminence will do."

"....What are you going to do if...when  Jack gets here?"

"Dangle you in front of him, torture you until you die while he watches...kill him. Watch a romcon. It's going to be a good night."

Joe shivered. "Uh...Does that death stuff have to happen? Can't you just hold us hostage, or brainwash us to do your bidding?" Joe looked around. "D-Does this place have a pool? Do you need a pool boy? I could totally be a pool boy..."

"Not as brave today, Aboringo." Chau rolled the 'r' in Joe's last name. "Is this part of your plan?"

Joe stared at Chau. "Yeah. Right. Plan. Do me a favor and have one of your lackey's find me something less green. If I' gonna die today, I'd rather not look like a Teletubby."


Jack continued his journey towards the estate. He was sure there would be more enemies on the way. He tapped the ring in his right pocket. What would Chau do  with Joe? Would Chau simply hold him captive? Would Chau torture him? Kung fu skills aside, Joe was still just an ordinary guy. He didn't have the training or the experience Jack had.There was no telling what state he would be in when Jack got to him.

As he encountered an incapacitated Chau's men, he relayed any intel he gathered to the rest of his team. If things went well, he could get Joe, and get out. The worst case scenario meant the whole island would get nuked. Chau was on the radar of numerous agencies, and Jack knew that his and Joe's deaths meant little compared to Chau's capture. 

He approached the compound with caution. Chau's flunkies were stationed around the house, armed to the teeth. Jack circled the compound, concealing himself in the bushes. He came across several motion sensors and cameras. After disabling them all on two sides of the building, he watched as security doubled. Now that their focus was on the North and West sides, Jack went to find a new weak spot.

There were only two men guarding the entrance beyond a large green pool. He quickly took care of them, knocking them both out before they could call for backup. With them out of the way he approached the tall glass screen doors that lead to Chau's entertainment center. Sitting( a little too comfortably for Jack's taste) were Joe and another of Chau's men on a large green leather couch. The wall to ceiling screen was playing reruns of an old sitcom.

Joe was feeling more comfortable now. He had traded the hideous green attire for a more tasteful ensemble. He was dressed in a white Armani jacket with a black t-shirt and white slacks. To further the effect he had slicked his hair back, looking like a short Don Johnson. He stuffed his hand into a bag of chips and chuckled at a joke that had made him laugh the last 30 times he'd seen it.The man sitting next to him was pulled into a headlock from behind and dragged down to the floor. Joe only looked back as Jack joined him on the couch and grabbed hold of his arm.

"What the-" Joe pulled back. "Oh!" He looked around. "What are you doing here!?"

"Rescuing you." Jack said, pulling him towards the door. "We gotta get out of here before reinforcements come." Joe continuously tried to pull away as Jack spoke into his Comms unit. "This is Bullet, Aboringo is secure. Requesting 30-minute window, rendezvous at delta552.  "

"Copy." His teammate responded. "30 minutes granted til Rag strike."

Joe grabbed hold of the glass door as Jack tried to pull him out of the house, as Jack dropped the comms unit. 

"What are you doing!?" Jack snapped.

"I got a bomb in my pants!" Joe exclaimed.

Jack paused. "What?"

Five of Chau's men came in, armed with guns.

"Oh great." Joe said as Jack ran to take care of them.

As two men closed in on him Joe became defensive, raising his fists and widening his stance. The movements felt natural, and he remembered the footage that Chau had shown him. He wasn't weak. He knew Kung fu.

"WAACHO!" Executing moves from muscle memory Joe quickly dispatched the two men and went after the others disarming them and gaining Jack's attention. "So...Like I was saying..." He huffed. " I have a bomb and uh..."His own actions surprised him, as he stepped over an unconscious body. "This is so weird..." He shook his head. "But no... seriously there's a bomb in my pants."

Jack looked him over. "Is that a euphemism for something?"

Joe blushed. "Wh-No! There's a tracker--bomb belt thing in my pants. I can't leave the villa."

Jack moved to retrieve his comms unit. "Damn. It broke in the scuffle. We need to get that thing off of you and get out of here. My team already confirmed a rag strike."

"Rag strike?"

"Yeah. This whole is place is going to be blown sky high in less than 30 minutes and I have no way of telling them to call it off." He put a hand on Joe's shoulder. "Drop your pants, so we can get to work."

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