Chapter three: Post-Wedding jitters, pt.2

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They  were escorted to their flight. To Joe's display, they avoided the metal detectors all together. Still, Joe had to admit the experience was pretty interesting. "Wow."

His suitcase was checked in with minimal effort, and they quickly boarded the plane.

"I gotta say that was pretty cool." Joe admitted.

Jack beamed at him. "Really?"


"So uh..." Jack raked a hand through his hair. "What's in Florida?"

"Well, uh..." 'Crap. I forgot that I was escorting a psychopath to my mother's house.' "You know, um..."

"Commander Okumbe's secret base?"

'What? What the hell is that? ' "Oh yeah...the commander's base.  That's it."

He looked around. "Hey...this plane is kinda empty..." They were walking through economy and past the business seats.

Jack frowned. "It can't be..." He ran through the plane leaving, Joe behind. The engines started, and the plane began its journey down the runway. It was quicker than normal, and brought Joe to his feet."What the-ow!"

Jack ran straight to the cockpit. There he found a masked man. He was dressed in a  emerald suit. "Glory to Chau!" The man yelled before lunging at Jack. Jack hit him with a punch to the gut, and a kick to the groin. The man unsheathed a knife and plunged it into Jack's arm.

"Argh!" Jack shoved the man into the controls.  While his opponent was dazed, he grabbed him by the collar and shoved him to the floor. He straddled the man and punched him until he lost conciousness.

The plane was running out of runway. Joe  held onto a chair and sat as the plane ascended into the sky. Joe wasn't sure what scared him more,  the empty plane or the man he was sharing it with. 'I'll go to first class in a minute. Funny, the pilot never announced our departure.'

There was a dinging noise over the loudspeakers.  "This your captain, Jack Bullet speaking. If you could join me in the cockpit sweetness, I think we need to talk."

Joe slid in his chair. "You have to be kidding me. No. No. No."

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