Chapter...what....Produce....a drunken spy part fooour

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Joe scratched his head. "I need to pee."

Jack didn't reply.

They continued their walk under Vegas. Soon they came to a glitter crusted door.

Jack took a deep breath. He didn't know what lied ahead. He braced himself for anything. If things went wrong, he would have to get them both out of here. After all, Joe was just a civilian. A drunk, adorable civilian.

"So..." Joe leaned on the wall. "Are you gonna open the weird looking door or...Are you gonna knock? Did you forget how to knock? Wait.." Joe observed his right hand. "When you make a fist..."

Jack pushed the door open. What he saw was unbelieveable.

Pink walls. Strobe lights. Men dancing in tight green-leather outfits.

"Awesome!" Joe exclaimed.

A big hairy bouncer blocked their path. "Glory be to Chau?" He said, one eyebrow raised.

Joe patted him on the arm. "All is Chau, bro. All is Chau."

The bouncer grunted and stepped out of their way.

Jack looked around. He wasn't sure what to make of this development. "This must be some sort of recreational facility for Chau's followers." 'Maybe if I play along, I can get some infromation.'

'Now how do I approach this.' He turned. "Joe-" Joe was not at his side. Jack panicked. What if Joe blabbed to someone?

"Heyyy Bartender!" Joe found his way to a glitter covered bar. "What's that thing your making? Wait... Is that twizzler being used as a straw!? Gimme!"

Jack shook his head. 'Well, a few more drinks probably won't hurt him. I'll leave him be. Now back to work.'

He noticed another exit. 'Let's see where that leads.' He made his way out of the club and found himself in another long corridor. He treaded lightly. Hearing footsteps he slowed his pace. He braced himself for a fight. Turning quickly he came chest to face with Joe.

"Whoa...Whoa." Joe took a sip of a strange colored drink through a twizzler straw. "Where we goin' ?"

Jack groaned. "Ugh..."

They were headed towards another door.

"Okay, keep close."

As they approached they heard voices.

There was chatter and laughter.

A song piped in through a speaker. All noise ceased.

"Attention. Now receiving instructions from base nine."

"All is Chau." Many voices said in unison.

Jack froze and Joe continued to slurp his drink.

"Shh!" Jack needed to hear this.

"Having a good time, Jack?" The voice asked.

Jack looked around.  There was a camera planted up above. He swore. How could he have been so careless?

Joe stopped sipping his drink. "Whoa...Who's that talking? Wait a this  a hidden camera show!?" He downed his drink.

"And who are you?" The voice on the loudspeaker asked.

"Where are you Chau!?" Jack yelled.

Chau laughed. "We will meet soon enough."

A small army of men in green suits appeared in the hall way, coming from both sides.

Jack rose his fists, ready for a fight. " Stay behind me Joe, it looks like things are about to get ugly."

Joe threw his drink. With a high pitched shriek he charged, swinging his fists.


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