CHAPTER-9: Superior Showings

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Currently, I was sitting with my legs neatly folded under me on a soft cushion. Some would also say I found myself in the "holy abode of teenage boys." Or in other words, Hinami's room.

Looking around, I noticed how tidy everything is. Cleanly made bed, neatly folded clothes on top of it, a stylish black desk, a pink pillow with soft pyjamas on top of it, a bookcase with light novels and Mortal Kombat figurines.

But where is she?

When I entered her room, the only thing she told me was to sit on the pillow I'm currently occupying, and wait. Then she left, and hasn't returned-


Oh, there she is.

And... she looks different. Is this the same Hinami I had been talking to at the burger joint? Is it her makeup? Maybe she removed it? I don't know, and I don't have any interest in that either, because I want something else from this interaction...

"What do you think?" she asked.

"What... am I supposed to think about?"

"A C plus, maybe?"

This is... not what I expected.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Have you ever talked to a girl before?"

I mean, Ichinose counts, right?

"Okay!" she exclaimed. "I'll just tell you straight since you won't get it otherwise. I'm not wearing any makeup right now."

"Oh, yeah, I noticed." I said.

"Wait... what? You did? Why didn't you say anything then?"

"Was I supposed to ask about you makeup? And what the hell was that C-plus thing?"



I started staring at her again, but she quickly cut me off.

"Forget it, I'm not gonna go through that again. Anyway, you said my character was better than yours, right?"


"Looking at me, do you understand?"

"What are you even saying? What am I supposed to understand?"

"GOD! You're so dumb, it's almost criminal." She sighed. "Of course I'm talking about the makeup. With a little bit of effort, anyone can improve their base stats."

"I'm not gonna start wear-"

"'I'm not gonna start wearing makeup, I'm a guy,' was what you were gonna say, right? Well, you'd be correct with that statement if you literally excluded everything else you could use to improve your looks."

"Everything else? What is there?"

"Okay, something different... Tell me three things that define an 'attractive appearance.'"

Three things, huh?

"Your face is one of them, right?"


"Your height?"


Fuck this.

"I give up. Can you please just tell me?"

"My god, I really wish you'd figure it out on your own." She said, looking defeated. "It's a person's facial expression, build, and posture. With just a little bit of effort, you can become someone else completely. Here, look-"

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