CHAPTER-16: Confession & Persistence

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April 24th, 2017

I finally reached the school, and after changing into my uniform, I made my way to the roof, where Miku was waiting for me.

There's no way this a confession, is it? I mean, we only met a few days ago...

I opened the door to the roof, and saw Miku waiting for me.

"Yo." I raised my palm to greet her.

"Hi. I'm glad you came." She greeted me back. "I actually wanted to tell you something back in the cafeteria, but I didn't want to risk anybody hearing me."

"What? Please don't tell me what I think you're gonna say?"

"Zaffar, it's just..."

"Um, yeah?"

"There's something... I need to tell you. I-"

I patiently awaited what she had to say to me. Even if this is a confession, I'll have to turn her down here. I can't let myself get distracted.

"Miku-" I was about to tell her to hurry up, but she cut me off.

"I knew... It was Sue Harukata."

"Huh? Wait- what?"

"Right!" she said happily. "I did it, I'm good now."

"Okay, pause for a sec. What are you talking about? I'm not following at all."

"The correct answer. You don't remember? The question."

The question? Oh, right.

"Wait, are you talking about the question from earlier today?" She didn't answer me, put on her headphones, and walked away. "Hey, wait up." I called out to her, and grabbed her arm to make her face me, but it caused her phone to fall from her hand.

"Oh, shit, sorry." I glanced at her phone and saw the crest of the Takeda Clan. "Isn't that the Takeda Crest?" I asked.

She turned around and glared at me. "Did you see it?!"


She looked like she was about to kill me, but the next moment, she covered her face in her hands, embarrassed.

"Please, don't tell anyone that I like Sengoku period warlords!" she exclaimed.

"Huh." I scoffed.

"It all started with a game I borrowed from Yotsuba." I didn't really ask, but oh, well. "I became obsessed with the ambitious warlords, and read a lot of books too." she said. "-But the girls at school are only into good-looking guys; actors, models, you know? That type- and I like hairy, old men. I'm weird."

Well, this certainly took an unexpected turn. But maybe I can use this interaction to help Fuutaro; get her to be tutored by him.

I looked at her indifferently. "I don't think it's weird. You shouldn't be ashamed about that."

She looked up at me, surprised by what I said.


"You should be confident about the things you like." I said. "And, coincidentally, I happened to get a perfect score on my last history test."

"Wow, really?"

"I might not be as smart as Fuutaro, but I know my stuff." I said confidently.

Of course, that was 100% a lie. I am the best in this school. I've learnt the material being taught right now when I was 12 years old. Well, except for this world's history, still haven't caught up to that.

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