CHAPTER-20: The Law Of Equivalent Exchange

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April 27th, Saturday

After the threat of the rampaging Rhino was taken care of, the Spider-Boys regrouped without their fourth member.

"That was a success... Ish." Ritvik said.

Agrim, angered by the incompetence of his fellow Spider-Man, snaps at him.
"What was that back there?" He asks Zain, who doesn't reply. "Answer me, god damnit!"

"I... I can't use those powers." Zain replies.

"Why?" Agrim asks, dumbfounded.

"You weren't there when this happened, but... I, uh- I killed... I killed Gwen with these powers." Zain says, his voice starting out a bit shaky, but going flat as he progressed through his sentence.

"You... What?"

Agrim and Ritvik are both dumbfounded by the revelation.

"W-what do you mean you killed her?"

"... Sit down. It's a long story." Zain says and explains everything that had happened back in their world.

Back at the rooftop...


What should I do in this situation? I haven't been in a predicament like this in years!

"We should go." Hinami said. "My mom would start worrying if I don't get home safe."

"Is your mom overprotective?" I ask her.

"A little... But, the thing with those criminals will be on the news soon. And I don't want to worry her..."


"Criminals? Are you... Are you talking about the... Spider-Men?"

"Yes..." Hinami said, getting up, her back facing me. "They're low-lives who don't take any accountability for their actions. Cowards, hiding behind a... Mask. UGH! It makes my blood boil..."

What did we ever do to her?

"Right..." I said, walking towards the emergency exit.

"You don't have to agree with me." Hinami suddenly said. "But you should at least respect my opinion."

"I get it..." I said, opening the door and letting her walk ahead of me.

This has been a very weird day.


April 29th, Monday

"Hahahaha! God, you're so dumb. You're hilarious, man!"

Ike chatted loudly with Yamauchi during second-period Math. It'd been four weeks since I joined this school.

"Hey, hey, do you want to go do karaoke?"

"Yeah, let's go!"

A group of girls nearby were making plans for after class.

I'd heard it from Miss Chabashira before, btu apparently, Class 1-D didn't consist of these students that we have currently. In fact, Class 2-D is essentially a whole new class with only a few faces returning from last year.

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