chapter 2

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I walked out the front door slamming it but not before grabbing my iphone 13 pro max and series 8 apple watch and my keys to my white and black corvette . I called my trainer roscoe and told him to get the gym ready that i'm coming over because i refuse to use my home gym for training because we have cameras in there my mother watches it to make sure i don't get better than my brother and well to her small minded self she doesn't know that i act terrible with the guards around because i know they train tell her everything i do.

Driving down the busy streets of Sicily, Italy i look outside and wonder why my life had to be terrible. I stopped at a red light when a man came up beside me in an all black corvette.i couldn't help but stare and the fine man he had tattoos everywhere from where i could tell and rings in both hands. He looked over at me catching me starring he winked at me and turned forward with a sly smirk.Then he started to rev his engine and looks like he wanted to race so i guess that's what was about to happen. I revved my engine not backing down from a street race because i loved them to death but it's been a while. I stopped looking at the greek good beside me then the light turns green.

He took off before i did ahead of me but he wasn't going to be for long. I took off and started gaining on him and he swerved in front of me going at least 85mph and i'm only going 83mph. When he thought i was going to swerve in the other lane he got over and he game me a free entry way to pass him hitting 100mph i looked behind in the rear view mirror seeing him slightly impressed he just got be by a woman i turned right and he turned left going out separate ways.

I pulled up to the gym i secretly owned called "rage" and turned off my car and finishing my protein shake. i looked back locking my car and heading inside nodding to the people and my personal guards :stewart,harry,joey,and barns.
Hey boss they bowed and greeted to out of acknowledgment and respect." ABOUT TIME YOU GOT HERE" roscoe exclaimed running down the stairs almost falling.I laughed "i thought you were kidnapped lanndrey don't do that again." he said hugging me. "Omg roscoe calm down i'm here now and besides i was street racing some sexy mystery greek god at the red light" i said with a smirk. "Oooo maybe you should've got some of that instead of showing ur amazing racing skill's.!!" roscoe told me nudging my shoulder.
"Yeah yeah let's get started i have plans in 6 hours."

I was having a great dream about ruling the world and being a cold heartless monster but i just wanted a normal life with a beautiful wife and the cutest kids but was i ever gonna get that? nope

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I was having a great dream about ruling the world and being a cold heartless monster but i just wanted a normal life with a beautiful wife and the cutest kids but was i ever gonna get that? nope. or so i thought.. I woke up to jumping and wetness on my face i bolted out the bed seeing my idiotic little brother ace and my parents standing at the door smiling and watching me run after ace. He ended up locking himself in my bathroom and unlucky for him i have a key to every room in this mansion, so he must've forgot like the little idiot he is.

"come out ace in 3 second or get a punishment" i chuckled while walking to my bedside safe getting the key out. "No I'm not dumb i know u trying to trick me." he said with a hint of worrisome in his voice. "alright you left me no choice 5,4,3,..2....1 haha did you forget that i have a key to every room in this house dear little acey." i chuckled "i'm s-s-so sor-ry leo i didn't wanted to do it mama and papa dared me to and i get to skip school today." he said backing up in a corner having no where to go.

"They did what now?" i asked him cautiously while i slowly reached to turn the shower water on without him noticing."HEY NO STOP PLEASE IM SORRY LEO DONT DO THIS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!" ace quickly exclaimed but to his disadvantage i picked him out and set the water on cold and closed the door shut while he shivered begging to be let out while i laughed at him being cold and startled how i was this earlier. i walk to my shower closet and grab a towel letting ace get out." maybe next time you won't disturb me kido. now go get changed and get ready for training since your not going to school." I told him watching him gain angry and upset because i knew he hated training.

2 hours later
I just got done eating breakfast after my shower because i needed to shower before my meeting at one of my warehouses. I own 36 around the whole world,but what can i say im the most deadliest mafia boss known even my dad couldn't beat me in the game it's how it is.But one thing i had to get my fingers on or shall i say whom is the assassin named "aphrodite" she's very mysterious and brave and the number 1 assassin in the world let alone the underworld. i won't stop until i find out who she is and that a promise.

Im now talking to my mama and papa about my plans later today." so my dear what do you plan on doing today or tonight." my mama asked me sipping her cup of coffee. "well i plan on getting new recruits and going to the club with micah later on tonight that i just opened." "Oo well you boys have fun while me and your dad have ourselves a little sexy time." my mama smiled and winked at my dad while rubbing his upper thighs grossing me out.
"well i'll see you guys later love you both." i told them and called ace down to drive him to school while i took a vanilla protein shake and my black matte keys to my corvette and head out the door.

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