ix - The Call

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I guess I can get up now. I feel so sluggish, though. I know! A cup of coffee and some avocado toast should get me going.

Cleo and I walk over to the kitchen. I brew some coffee, make my prize-winning toast, and give the kiddo food with a fresh bowl of water. I finish up my coffee and man, it hit the spot! I made it a little differently that I usually do. This time, I added a teaspoon of matcha powder and mixed in some coconut milk. Maybe I should sell my new recipe to Stirbocks.

For some ungodly reason, Cleo has the zoomies. He is taking a mouthful of food and running around the kitchen while he chews it. Then, he comes back and repeats the cycle. Weird cat. My phone starts ringing and I see that it's my mother calling. It's been months since mother and I talked. So, this is refreshing and I answer the call.

"Hey mommy!"

"Hello, my love. How are you this morning?"

"I'm still alive. So that counts for something, right?" I joke.

"Just wonderful, darling." Mom says in her familiar posh fashion that I grew up with. "Now darling, we must talk about your future."

Uh huh. Here we go....

"Okay...go on." I say, cautiously.

"Well, your father and I are getting older and..." she begins.

"No, sh-"

She cuts me off. "Don't finish that sentence, love. We raised you better than that."

I roll my eyes. I'm a grown woman, for crying out loud.

"Now, as I was saying... Your father and I are getting older and you're not getting any younger.." My eyes widen as she says this and she continues. "It's time that you stop frolicking around and think about us for a change..."

"Ya-da, ya-da, ya-da" I say in my head as I make a hand puppet mimicking her as she diarrheas at the mouth.

"Since you have made it perfectly clear that you are not taking over the company when we pass away, it's time that we figure out another means."

"Okay. But, what does that have to do with me?" I inquire in confusion and pure disgust.

"Well it's clear as day, hun. I think you know perfectly well what I'm saying. But, if I MUST... It's best that you find a husband, settle down, and produce children while you're still young and spry. That way, we can put them in the wild to run our company when we're gone. Understand?" she says, dropping a bomb on me.

"Woah, woah, woah. Wh...what? Have you gone mad? I don't want kids."

"Well, neither did we. But, now you're here. Now, you've got one year, preferably six months to find your suitor. That's all for now. Good day!"

"No, Mom... wait, don't you hang on me! Mom-" CLICK! She hangs up just like that. You've got to be freaking kidding me!!! Aaaahhhhhh, I scream as I angrily slam my phone down on the counter.

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