xiv - Welcome Distraction

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Weeks pass since that regretful night. Maribel hounds me with questions about the "juicy details", as she describes them. But, hey... A lady doesn't kiss and tell, right? Things are going well between Skyler and me. Although the circumstances around how we met are an unbearable memory, I'm really enjoying all the time we spend together. It distracts me from the trauma with my dad. Ever since he got sick, my whole world has started to crumble down, as if I've been struck by a wrecking ball. I feel like pieces of me are scattered all over the place. I..I just can't believe this is MY reality.

I pause for a moment as a tear slowly crawls down my cheek. I'm feeling numb all over again, sitting on the couch absorbed in my emotions, staring at a blank tv. Time...it seems to stop when you're hurting.

I pick up my phone and send a text to Skyler. "Hey..."

"Hey, beautiful! Whatcha up to?"

"Nothing. Just existing," I say.

"Existing? Come on. Talk to me. What's REALLY going on?"

"Really, it's nothing. Just tired from a long week," I lie, not ready to confront this depressive stage of my life.

"Ah, I see. Let's have lunch. I'll come and pick you up in 30 minutes."

It's a weird thing to dread and long for something at the same time. But, maybe I should get away from here. If only for moment.

"Ok, I'll be ready," I reply helplessly. I go and fix myself up to look partially less dead inside. I dry my eyes to hide away my weaknesses so Skyler won't see them, and I stare at myself in the mirror. I can do this. I tell myself I'm strong and brave, and I can weather this storm inside my brain. I'm ready, I'm set, and now it's time for me to go...

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