xvi - Mistakes

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"Jaen Moshiiiinnnn!!!!" Maribel storms up to me, grabs my left hand, and starts waving it around erratically. "Did you really think I wasn't going to address the huge elephant in the room???"

I pull my hand back away from her, debating as to whether or not I should slap her across the face.

"Well?" She asks impatiently.

"I'm engaged. There, I said it. Can I get back to my project?"

She shrieks loudly and starts cackling like a witch. "Ha, I knew it! Soooo, you and that mysterious guy you kept talking to are a thing now, eh?" She says as she runs her fingers through her hair with a smirk on her face.

"Wha...huh? No- not at all. I haven't heard from him since our night out at Club 27. He kinda just went MIA on me out of the blue."

"Oohhh... So, I guess it's the guy you met at the club, right?"

"Yes, that guy."

"So, you're already seeing forever, eh? Must be one heck of a guy." She chuckles. "Sooo, do you have any pics of him?"

I give her a long hard look, hoping she feels the burn of my dismay forming a hole in her head.

"Okay, okay. I know how sensitive you are about your private life. Look, Jaen, I'm really happy for you and all. I really want you to be happy because I know you've been silently going through a lot. Maybe it's not even my place to say this..but...don't you think you're moving a little too fast here?"

I don't know why, but that question made my blood boil. Who does she think she is to dictate what I do with my life? I see the pupils in Maribel's eyes dilate as I give her the most daunting look I've ever given anyone and lose my cool.

"You're right. It's NOT your place. I don't know what you get out of trying to invade my privacy. It's like you just don't get it."

Maribel's tone changes, and she starts slowly positioning herself into a defensive stance. "Jaen, I'm just concerned. I know you, and this... it just doesn't feel right, " she explains.

"How would you know what's right and what's wrong for me? Oh, that's right... you don't. And maybe that's really not the real issue here. You're just jealous that I finally found someone I love, and it's not you!"

Maribel turns bright, red and in that moment, I instantly realize the damaged that I've done.

"What??? I'm not even-whatever, Jaen. Congratulations." She says as she grabs her things and walks away from me in a hurry. I can't see her face. But, I can feel her aura. I regret everything I just said. I feel the tears start to fill my eyes and the hotness in my face from humiliation. But like feathers in the wind, I can't get those words back. I am so sorry, Maribel. You can't hear me right now. But, I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart.

Mistakes. Passionate moments in time where you said or did something thoughtlessly and later regretted. I've been having a lot of those moments lately. I can't change them. But, I can reflect on those moments to gain wisdom, and let me tell you, I'm gaining a lot."

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