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Leo's POV

That's how it happened. The first few weeks together were probably the best weeks of my life.

But as the quest date got closer and closer, we both started to get really busy. I'm barely able to hang out with him now. And when we do hang, it's always so fleeting.

"What're you thinking about?" Will snapped me back to the present. We sat in the back room of the infirmary, me on his lap facing him.

"Oh just about how much you're going to miss me when I leave" I joked. Will's eyes darkened, and his gaze became distant.

Stupid! I thought to myself. You're always ruining the mood.

"I think you'll miss me more" Will muttered, placing a kiss on my collar bone.

"In your dreams, Sunny". I placed my head in the crook of his neck, knowing that he was right.

"Sunny is such a stupid nickname"

"You love it"

"I love you".

I swear I stopped breathing for a second. I sat up and looked at him, and he stared at me, unflinching. I had to have misheard him.

"What?" I asked, masking my panic with a laugh. Will didn't blink. His bright blue eyes looked like they were searing into my brain.

"I love you" he repeated, almost monotone. "You look like you're about to throw up".

"Shut up, I'm fine". I snapped, a little too harshly. Will got quiet. I felt like an ass again.

"I - uh..." I couldn't even say the words. As much as I like Will, I don't think I'm ready to love him. That sounds like a commitment I wasn't ready to make.

"Sorry" I finally said. "That just caught me a little off guard". Will nodded solemnly. Gods I hated seeing him so sad. I was willing to lie to make him smile.

"Will, I-"

"You don't have to say it back if you don't mean it." He shifted, signaling me to move. I didn't want to.

"I just don't think I'm ready for that kind of relationship". Will quirked an eyebrow.

"That kind of relationship?" Shit. I could already see the hole I was digging for myself.

"Yea y'know..." I tried to think through it. "Like a committed relationship". I failed to think through it. I failed so hard. I could already see it in his face.

"So what kind of relationship do we have, Leo?" His voice was tight, and I could tell he was trying to keep his features neutral. I pissed him off again.

"C'mon Will, we were having fun".

"Is that all I am to you?"


"Am I just fun?"

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

"You know that's not what I meant" This time, I did get off him, starting to feel angry myself.

"Well, that makes me feel a lot better" He stood from the couch we were sitting on and towered over me.

"Tell me this, Leo." He said. "When you leave, were you planning on breaking up with me? Y'know now that the fun is over?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I didn't even know what to say. Would I have broken up with him? I actually haven't thought about it until now.

"You're leaving Leo!" Will's voice broke, and my heart felt like it was shattering.

"You've been the only thing keeping me sane these past months. How am I supposed to handle all of this without you?" His shoulders shuttered, and a sob escaped from his mouth.

I froze. I had never seen Will cry. Like actually cry. And it was such a disturbing sight, I never want to see it again. It was as if all the brightness and color drained out of him as he hunched over himself covering his face.

I didn't know what to do. I was panicking. I'll never be proud of it, but I ran out. I left him in the back room of the infirmary, crying. And I kept moving until I got to my bunker, and slammed my body into my couch.

Probably the logical part of my brain was screaming at me to go back and comfort him. But my fear had me in a vice-like grip, and I couldn't move. I knew I liked Will. I mean who wouldn't? He's handsome, sweet, funny, all the things. But I didn't love him. He just kinda flew into my life and picked me up and spun me around. And it was so much fun. Was he my distraction? From this crazy fucked up world that I have been thrown into?


I banged my palms against my head.

Stupid, stupid, fucking stupid!

I was using him this whole time and I didn't even know it. I turned over, and felt something hard dig into my thigh. I checked my pockets and found the bracelet I made Will. The one that I completely forgot to give him. Overcome with a sudden surge of anger, I chucked it to the other side of the room, the bracelet becoming infinitely lost among spare parts and trinkets.

I felt like crying, but I didn't. I wanted to go back to him, but I didn't. I just went back to work, trying to shed off all the intense emotions I was feeling.

The next morning, I didn't find Will in the infirmary or his cabin. It wasn't until I didn't see him at breakfast that I really started to get worried.

"What's up with you?" Piper said, studying me while munching on her froot loops.

"Have you seen Will?"

Piper's eyes darkened. "No, not all day. Why? Did something happen?"

I shook off her questions and pushed away my pancakes.

"I'm going to go look for him, tell Jason where I am". And with that, I sprinted off. I knew where to check next.

Author's note: this is me attempting to create conflict which im so bad at, pls be nice to me

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