chapter 24

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About an hour had gone by and I was completely shit faced now. I felt so free. I loved it. I should drink more often.

I stumbled my way over to the drink table for another round.

I felt Mattheos eyes on me everywhere I went. I was loving every single second of this. I never seen him so bothered.

As I poured myself a drink, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Do you have a name, gorgeous?" A Slytherin boy asked me, with a slight grin.

"I do, but if you like the way your face looks, I would just walk away now." I clicked my lips together.

"I like a challenge." He said, inching closer.

"So does he..." I said pointing at Mattheo, "Although, you don't much look like one."

"My fault." He said, throwing his hands up in defeat.

I giggled to myself as I walked back over to the group.

"What the fuck was that?" Mattheo asked as soon as I sat.

"Relax. I told him you'd kill him." I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of my drink.

I seen his anger relax, "I thought we weren't together?" He questioned.

"Doesn't mean I want anyone else's hands on me, Riddle."

He sat back, with the largest grin on his face. A sense of pride.

I liked drunk me.

She was funny and spoke her mind.

However drunk me wasn't using her brain a lot. That could be a problem later on.

Hermione and I were dancing on tables, slinging back shot after shot, as were everyone else.

I haven't seen us have this much fun in a long time.

Even Harry was drunk, which was a rare sighting.

"Were going to go to the Gryffindor party now, you coming?" Ron grabbed me off the table.

"I think I'll catch up with you guys!" I nodded.

"Your staying?!" Hermione grabbed my arm.

"Just for another drink or two, ill walk back over with the boys don't worry, I'm sure they'll want to join." I winked.

"Enzo said he's coming with us?" She questioned.

"I just want to grab a couple things out of Mattheo and Enzo's room, then i'll be there."

"Fine. But be smart!" She shook her head.

I looked back over to the couch, where Mattheos eyes remained on me, his eye brows raised as he seen my friends walk away.

I grabbed my drink off the table, and made my way up the boys dorm stairs.

I unlocked their room door and took a seat on his bed.

He wasn't far behind at all, shocker.

He closed the door behind him, and just stood their admiring me.

I needed him. I needed him so bad.

The whiskey definitely had an effect on this, but fuck it. I made him pay enough, it was our last night.

I stood up, slowly walking over to him.

"Dahlia..." he whispered, looking me up and down.

I brought my hand up his cheek, looking deep Ito his beautiful eyes.

"I need you, Mattheo." I whispered, watching the fire grow in his eyes.  

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