chapter 77

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Its amazing. The feeling you get inside you. When you realize the fate of the world is quite literally in your hands.

I had two choices.

Die, save everyone.

Live, watch everyone die.

I think its safe to say which one I chose.

I made peace with the facts, the day Hermione said it, in the tent. She's the brightest witch of our age, if she was saying it. It was true.

I realized it then. I made peace. I understood what was at hand. I understood in giving up my life, everyone else got to live. Thats all I wanted in the end.

Suddenly, the prophecy made sense.

One of us wasn't going to live, to tell the tale.

It was me. 

It was always me.

I hoped we would find a way around it. That I would get to live my life, with Mattheo. But I now saw, there was no way around it, he made it impossible.

No matter how much I loved him, how much I wanted to stay. I could never betray every other person like this. The blood already spilt, the people who have lost their loves, their children, parents, siblings. It would be for nothing.

I watched everything shift in Mattheo's eyes. Like he finally believed it. Like he finally knew.

I watched Hermione gasp, throwing her hand over her mouth. Ron, gaze meeting the floor as the tears built.

"It has to happen." I whispered, standing to my feet.

"No." Mattheo protested.

There was no other way.

There has to be another way.

"I wish there was another way, but there isn't." I whispered, again.

I cannot lose her.

I looked at them all, trying my best to swallow the lump that was in my throat.

I walked up to Hermione.

"I love you mione." I whispered as I pulled her into my arms, "You're the bestest friend I have ever had. Take care of our boys, please." I wiped her tear, cupping her face, nodding at her.

I moved onto Ron.

"The brother I never asked for, but always needed." I pulled him in, "I love you so much. Kiss mum and dad for me. I'll be with Freddy." I felt him fall apart in my arms.

"I love you, Dal." He whispered, squeezing me.

I managed to hold it together, until I looked over at Mattheo. Who stood like a lost puppy.

"Don't give me a goodbye, its not happening." He protested.

"Okay." I nodded, "Just hold me. Please?" My eyes started to tear.

He threw his head back in frustration, pulling me in. I've never been held like this in my entire life. Like I never wanted to let go. Ever.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear.

"Tell me that later, Pretty girl. When this is all done." His voice trembled.

"Just say it back, please."

"How could you do this?" He snapped, pulling away, "I fucking need you Dahlia! And you're just giving up!"

"Theres no other way Matt." I tried to hold it together.

"You're not even trying!"

"Enough! This is hard enough Mattheo." I stepped closer to him. "Thank you. For loving me"


"and turning the world upside down for me."


"Thank you, for my childhood."


"You're nothing like your father. You deserve love. You always have."

He flinched at my words. I needed him to hear them. Even if he didn't say anything back. I needed him to know how much I truly loved him. How much he meant to me, despite it all.

I pulled his face in, leaving a long, sweet kiss on his soft lips. Lips I would wait forever for.

I didn't open my eyes, until I turned around.

I headed straight for the courtyard.

I needed Voldemort to cast the curse. I needed to provoke him enough, that he cursed me so bad. I knew I wasn't going to be able to convince anyone to stab me with a fang. This was my best shot.

I walked into the middle, where he stood with his followers as he tried to gain followers.

"You're a coward." I spoke, standing in the middle.

"You never know when to quit." He scoffed.

"Its funny, a bit. You couldn't even get rid of me when I was a toddler. Now I stand before you, and only I could lead to your fall. Full circle a bit." I let out a small giggle.

"You caught on, I didn't think you would. Smarter than I thought." He smirked an evil grin.

"Yes, expect, you didn't even think of the possibility of me ending it all. You thought Mattheo would keep me safe, for the rest of my life. You never thought, I, myself, had the courage to just end it."

"You wouldn't. My son, wouldn't allow it." I seen his eyes twitch, the nerves growing inside of him.

"Your son isn't here. No one is going to stop me." I smiled a bit, knowing I was going to bring everyone peace.

"I call bluff." He scoffed.

"Watch me, Tom."

I pretended as if I had something in my pocket, capable of destroying a horcrux, once he casted a curse to knock the imaginary weapon from my hand, I intended on starting a duel, making the curses impossible, causing him to fight to strongly.

Of course, nothing goes to plan.

Mattheo ran out in the middle of the courtyard, wand drawn, instantly casting at his father.

He dodged it.

"Raising your wand, at your own blood?!" I seen the anger growing in Voldemort's face. "You think I wouldn't fight back to you? You're a stupid boy. A traitor. Nothing to me." He raised his wand.

Shooting the killing curse directly in Mattheo's path.

I had to think quick.

I had to do it now.

I quickly jumped in front of him.

Grabbing him by the shoulders, watching his jaw drop, and a scream escape his lips.

It hit me directly in the back.

His scream, and his face filled with horror, were the last things I seen and heard.

Before my lifeless body, hit the cold ground.

I did it.

We won. 

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